Monday, April 30, 2012

He Sees You

Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?
Matthew 6:26-27

It is spring time, the weather is great and the air is filled with the sound of birds singing. Unfortunately it is also the time of year when baby birds have a tendency to fall out of their nests. Recently I noticed our cat paying extra attention to the tree in our backyard. When I looked I saw a little bird on the ground as I gently picked it up so that cat wouldn’t get it, the above verse came to mind. God saw that little bird fall and provided protection for it.

He sees you and me, He knows everything we are facing, He knows our trials and triumphs, He knows what we need and He is working out our circumstances for our good. The birds don’t get stressed out - they don’t over eat or go shopping, they don’t hide from life - they live life to its fullest, with all its risks and dangers and they sing the whole time. There is a celebration happening outside my window right now.

The Scripture tells us we are more valuable than the birds and that because He see us, because He knows what we are going though, He is there for us and He will pick us up when we fall.

A Prayer
Father - thank you for the lessons your creation can teach us. Help us to trust you and find rest in You no matter what we are facing today. Because You see us we can even in the midst of a storm join in the celebration of life. In the name of Jesus, Amen

Monday, April 23, 2012

Following The Leader

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:7-8

Remember playing follow the leader when you were a kid? The object was to do whatever the person who was at the front of the line did. As Disciples of Christ, Jesus is at the front of the line and he calls us to keep his commands and follow his lead. When asked what the greatest command was, Jesus’ reply was two-fold, love God and love others - together these form the greatest command. But what does that really mean for us, how does that look, what does it require that we do?

When we look at Jesus’ life what do we learn about how we should live and relate to God and one another? We see that Jesus spent time alone so he could have quality time with his Father. We see that he spent time enjoying his friends, good meals and the fellowship of others. We see that he met more than just the spiritual needs of the people - he met their physical and emotional needs as well. Jesus gave of himself continually - maybe even when he didn’t feel like it.

As followers of Christ we should look to Jesus first to see what He did and what He is doing even now in our lives. Then because we are human we should look at others who have been following Jesus to see what they have learned from Him. The writer of Hebrews is telling his readers to do just that - to remember their leaders, watch their lives do what they did and are doing.

Are you ready for a life changing, never ending round of follow the leader? Get behind Jesus He is the best leader.

A prayer
Father – Thank you most of all for your Son who teaches how to love you and love others. Thank you for the leaders you placed throughout history to who continue to teach us to follow Jesus. Help us to be people who show others the way and encourage them to join us as we follow The Leader. In the name of Jesus our Lord and leader - yesterday today and forever, Amen.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Welcome to the New Normal

“Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.”
James 1:2-4

Rufus and Moe have been depressed, their routine has been interrupted, nothing is the same from one day to the next - this is their new normal and they don’t like it. Life is full of change both good and not so good. Our normal can be interrupted at any time by a minor detour or a major course change and then we have to deal with whatever the new normal is. Sometimes we like the new normal and sometimes we don’t. It is how we respond to these changes in normal that make a difference in our perspective and attitude.

James tells us we should consider it pure joy when we face trials because it helps us to grow in faith. Change can often be a trial even if it is a good change. I wonder how often as we go through the process of change; do we take an attitude of joy as life makes us adjust to the new normal. I know I don’t always. Sometimes like Rufus and Moe when my normal gets interfered with I am anything but joyful.

Births and deaths, prosperity and poverty, lush gardens and harsh wilderness, good health and life changing illness - all of these and more can mess with whatever our normal is. I want to encourage you to face each change with an attitude of joy, knowing full well that you are not alone in the journey.

Woohoo! Welcome to the new normal!

A prayer
Father – Forgive us for the time when we are less than grateful for the things you are trying to teach us. Help us to embrace change and make the most of the new normal in our lives, even when it means normal changing from one minute to the next. Thank you for walking with us, for showing us where to step. With Your help we can consider it pure joy. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Responsibility and Duty

“For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us to be adopted as his sons through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will - to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves.
Ephesians 1:4-6

235 years ago those living in the New World declared their independence from England, yet today we are fascinated with the British royal family. Recent news stories about Princes William and Harry got me thinking. William and Harry have been born into a life of privilege and with privilege come responsibility and duty. All of their lives there have been expectations about how they are to behave and the things they are to do in service to God and country. These fine, young men have stepped up to the task and no doubt their grandmother Queen Elizabeth and their father are very proud of them.

Today’s passage reminds us that we too are members of a royal family - the Divine Royal family of God. We have been adopted into a life of privilege and with that privilege comes responsibility and duty. I think sometimes because we are adopted we may not understand that there are expectations concerning how we should behave and what we should be doing.

We are expected to love the Lord with every fiber of our being and we are to serve Him by serving and loving others. Just as William and Harry represent the Queen as they serve in the military and travel the world - so we represent The King as we go about our daily lives. Do our lives reflect that? Are we caring for those in our spheres of influence in the same way Jesus would, are we serving our brothers and sisters as we are called to do?

I know many of you reading this understand the responsibility and duty that comes with being a child of the King and that in many ways I am “preaching to the choir” but sometimes I think the choir can reach people in a way no one else can. So if you are serving - if you are doing your best to fulfill your royal responsibilities and you know others who aren’t - share with them the joy and blessing you gain from what you do. For those of you who may not be serving - pray that you will gain insight into the gifts you have been given and ask for direction concerning what you should do, talk to those you know who are serving for help.

We have all been adopted into a life of royal privilege may we well fulfill our responsibilities and duties. Let’s make the King proud.

A prayer
Father – Thank you for making us a part of Your royal family. Help us to understand the responsibility and duty that come with that privilege. Make clear the gifts for serving You have given us and make our hearts burn with a need to serve. Your Son showed us the way, may we walk in it by Your power. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Monday, April 2, 2012

I Died For You

“…just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
Matthew 20:28

As I write this two things are on my mind - the hit television show Once Upon A Time and the cross of Christ. I know, I can hear some of you thinking - how do those two things fit together? Let me try to explain.

Snow White under the influence of a magic potion has forgotten what true love is, her heart has grown dark and she is bent on murderous revenge - she plans on killing her stepmother, the evil queen. True love’s kiss had failed to break the spell, so Prince Charming had to find another way to break the spell and save his beloved Snow White. He takes the arrow intended for the Queen and when Snow asks him why - he looks her in the eye and says: “I love you, I would die for you.” Now it isn’t the prince’s willingness to sacrifice his life, after all that’s what fairy tale princes do. It is Snow’s response that got me thinking. As his words sunk in to her heart the spell was broken, her heart was softened and filled will love again. Her whole countenance changed.

We have a prince too, a real prince. Isaiah calls Him the Prince of Peace (Isa. 9:6). John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world…” God speaking through the prophet Ezekiel says: “I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh” (Eze. 36:26). Jesus, hanging on the crossing asked His Father to “forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” (Luke 23:34). This is God’s true love for us. He died for me and you, so that our hearts would not become black and hard - so that we would know what true love is really like.

Can you see him? Beaten and near death as he stumbles down the road carrying His cross on the way to Calvary. Did He see you in crowds that lined that ancient street? Did He look you in the eye and say “I love you - I will die for you”. Can you hear Him even now whispering to your heart “I love you, I died for you.” Allow those words to sink in and chase the darkness away. Allow His light of true love to fill your whole being and then let it shine for the world around you to see.

A prayer
Father – Thank you for being the source of true love. Thank you for loving us so much that you laid down Your life to heal our world wounded hearts, souls and minds. May we hear often Your words of love as we travel on this journey home. In the name of Jesus, Amen.