Tuesday, May 28, 2013


“…till the Spirit is poured on us from on high, and the desert becomes a fertile field, and the fertile field seems like a forest. The Lord’s justice will dwell in the desert, his righteousness live in the fertile field. The fruit of that righteousness will be peace; its effect will be quietness and confidence forever. My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
Isaiah 32:15-18

The first real full day in the wilderness is always the hardest. It’s the kind of day where staying in bed and trying to ignore the world seems like a good idea, but not really. It’s the kind of day filled with questions - what’s next? Why? Seriously? Lots of things can bring us to the wilderness, some of those things will cause doubt, some fear, some will cause us to question our purpose and call. 

The verses that lead into this week’s passage are strong words of warning, the people have become complacent - comfortable in their circumstances, they didn’t really think too much about Who had given them the comfortable life and He was getting ready to shake them from their comfort. They were about to be in the wilderness again for a little while.

But then something amazing happened - He poured out His Spirit and turned the wilderness into something beautiful, something that could provide what had been lost. Justice and righteousness bring about: peace, quietness of spirit, and confidence. The wilderness becomes a great place to live because He is present in the everyday and we must rely on Him.

If you find yourself wondering in the wilderness, filled with questions and wanting to hide - look up and watch as that dry place becomes fertile with the Spirit of God. Watch what happens to your heart as it is filled with His peace and as confidence in Him becomes your dwelling place. 

A Prayer
Father, you know we do not like being in the wilderness, because it means we are not in control. Bring us to a place where we can appreciate the wilderness, because it is there your Spirit will revive our hearts and help us to see You more clearly. It is not easy to be here, but teach us what we need to learn and prepare us for the next part of the plan you have for us. In the name of Jesus who walks with us in the wilderness. Amen.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

He's Already There

“My days have passed, my plans are shattered. Yet the desires of my heart turn night into day;  in the face of the darkness light is near.”
Job 17:11-12

It had been one of those weeks, nature had wrought its fury and for many including myself the journey of life was taking another detour into the wilderness. It is in times like these when the why questions start, when because we cannot see the entire plan, we think the designer has made some kind of mistake. 

As I was thinking about the return trip to the wilderness - a couple of songs popped into my mind, and one by the group Casting Crowns really resonated with me. The opening verse goes “From where I'm standing Lord it's so hard for me to see where this is going and where You're leading me. I wish I knew how all my fears and all my questions are gonna play out in a world I can't control.” I can relate to that, can you? I think Job would have been able to relate to that as well. Job’s life had taken a major detour and his “friends” were pretty much telling him it was his own fault - they were obviously not balcony people. 

The song goes on to say that when we are lost in the mystery, when we do not understand the Lord has already been there, He sees the whole plan from beginning to end. I love the words that come near the end of the song: “One day I'll stand before You and look back on the life I've lived I can't wait to enjoy the view and see how all the pieces fit.” I think Job understood, you can hear the why questions that must have been in the back of his mind and yet he knows that God is near the darkness he is in will soon be chased away by the Light. 

I don’t know what you are facing as you read this. I don’t know how this detour is going to get me to the desire of my heart. What I do know is that my Lord is the architect of my life and yours knows and He is already there. So walk in faith, hope and peace. 

A Prayer
Father, we do not like being uncomfortable, we do not like the feeling of having no control over our own destiny, but it is hard to control a plan we do not fully understand. Help us to remember that Your plan is always better than ours. Help us to remember you have traveled the detour, you have been in the wilderness and that you are already there with the desire of our hearts. In the name of Jesus, who is light is always near. Amen.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Into the Unknown

“The Lord had said to Abram, ‘Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you.’”
Genesis 12:1

I am not really a Star Trek fan, but it is interesting the things that pop into ones head when contemplating life. As I have been praying about some possible changes, the lines from the Star Trek introduction came to mind. You know the “to explore strange to worlds and to boldly go where no one has gone before.” It made me think about when God asked Abram to leave everything he knew and go to the land I will show you. 

Abram and his wife had no way of knowing what twists and turns life would take as they set out in response to God’s call. They had no idea they would get new names, that they would become parents when they were really, really old. They had no way of knowing about anything they would encounter - good or bad, yet they went.

Abram wasn’t the only one God asked to go into the unknown. Moses was asked to lead his people from what was known to what was unknown. Jesus told his disciples to “go into all the world” (Mark 16:15). These fishermen, reformed tax collectors, converted Pharisees and women who most likely had never strayed far from home, went and changed the world. 

I know I will probably not be heading into the “final frontier” any time soon, but each day offers the opportunity to go into the unknown. God doesn’t let us see the whole picture, He only reveals enough of the path ahead so that we can take that step of faith and He tells us repeatedly to not be afraid because He is with us. 

I don’t know what everyone is facing this week but I expect more than a few of us are praying about changes and will need to step into the unknown in order become who we are intended to be in Christ. 

So take a deep breath, breathe out a prayer for wisdom and guidance, then take the step and know that you are not alone. 

A Prayer
Father, you know we humans like to stay where we think it is safe, where we feel comfortable, yet daily you call us to enter into the unknown that is life. Thank you for going with us, for being our wisdom and our guide. You tell us to fear not, we ask that you be our courage. The abundant life you offer cannot be found in our comfort zone, it is found in You. In the name of Jesus, who leads the way - Amen.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Oh... Give It A Rest

“The Lord replied, ‘My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.’”
Exodus 33:14
Moses had led the people out of Egypt, had spoken with God on the mountain and dealt with the whole golden calf situation and again found himself on the mountain talking to God. If you read the verses leading up to this week’s verse you can hear Moses’ frustration, he is already tired of being the leader and tired of dealing with the people. God tells him, I am pleased with you - you are doing fine, I will go with you and I will give you rest. 
So how do we find rest in our modern world, where we don’t think there are enough hours in the day to do all we think we need to do?
  •  Make sure the Lord is going with you - into your day, into each activity. Let him make corrections to your agenda.
  • Remember the Lord created each day to be the perfect length, in the “good old days” people got up at sunrise and went to bed at sunset - if you need to turn on the lights it’s time to rest.
  • God built a whole day of rest into His plan, honor that.
  • Teach your children to rest.
  • Take care of yourself and enjoy the company of friends and family.
  • Remember all that needs to get done will; you don’t have to work yourself to exhaustion.
  • Finally, make sure like Moses, that you have people around you who will lift you up and help you carry the load.
When the Lord was leading Moses and the people, when He stopped they stopped. This week let the Lord lead and when He stops, accept the rest He is giving.
A Prayer
Father, thank you for building rest into your plan. Forgive us for not resting as we should. Go with us into each day, each activity and when You stop help us to stop too. We need the kind of rest you want to give us so that we can do the work You have for us. In the name of Jesus, Amen.