Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Little Things = Big Differences

“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothes me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.”
Matthew 25:35-36

A smile and friendly wave and help tame traffic. Loaning a set of golf clubs can set a divine appointment in motion. A quiet conversation, where you listen more than speak can change a heart. A simple in the moment prayer and remind someone they are not alone. Little things can make a huge difference.

Many reading this may recognize this week’s passage from a section of Matthew’s Gospel titled “The Sheep and the Goats” the passage is really about the judgment of God - the sheep enter into the Kingdom of God and the goats well… you know - don’t. As I was reading this week’s passage it occurred to me that the things the commended or condemned the people were little things - water, food, clothes, company and care, no mention of winning wars, life endangering acts or acts requiring large sums of money. These little things equaled a huge difference at the throne of God.  

If these little things are so easy why did some of the people fail to make a difference in the life of someone else? I think it’s possible that we just get to busy to see the need. We have so much to do that stopping to look someone in the eye, to hear their heart and give them what they need to feel loved in the moment, is just not at the top of our to do lists - even though we might need that for ourselves as well. 

In a land of plenty it is easy to forget that there are people who hunger and thirst, people who are all alone in need of a hug and a prayer - simple things we are all capable of doing.

This week I challenge you pay attention to the little things that make a difference in your life and then take time to do something little for someone else. 

It simple really…little things = big differences.

A Prayer
Father - thank you for the lessons Your word teaches us. May we see the needs of those around us and do the little things needed to show your love to them. Thank you for the little things that have made big differences in our own lives. In the name Jesus, we pray - Amen.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

When It Rains...

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. For I am the LORD, your God…”
Isaiah 43:2-3

It pours - at least that’s how the saying goes. California is facing the worst draught in a century. An orange grove down the highway a piece is dying because the farmer ran out of water. Our small town and towns across the state are willing to pay people to rip their lawns out and replace them with something draught resistant. Times of environmental draught are hard on everyone. There will be times in our lives when we will face spiritual draughts as well - these too are difficult to deal with. However, times of spiritual draught are few in comparison to the storms of life.

You know the kind of storms I mean. The torrents of unemployment, health issues, relationship problems or they myriad of other things life throws at us. Just as it seems the rain is easing a bit, a new crisis turns up and it’s pouring again. You got that new job, but the car breaks down before you get the first paycheck. Just as it appears you are coming through an illness or injury -you are faced with another. It can be anything - the storm that has been raging starts to clear only for the next storm to come on strong, threatening to flood your life, wash away your foundation and leave you well and truly stuck in the muck and mire of life on this planet. 

This week’s passage from the prophet Isaiah is meant to remind us that the One who is the LORD our God will not leave us alone in the midst of the storm. We may need to face the storm head on, but He will be there even when we don’t see or feel Him there and He will not let you be overcome by the flood waters, or sucked down into the mud. You will make it through to the other side of whatever storms you will face this week, this month or this year.

Why will He be there with us? Why will he save us from these storms? Isaiah tells the Israelites and us “Since you are precious and honored in my sight, and because I love you…” (Isaiah 43:4). That is His grace in action.

This week no matter how hard it is pouring in your life, know that you are not alone - He is there with you, there are others in similar storms that are walking with you. 

Some times when it rains, it pours - let’s go stomp in life’s puddles together.

A Prayer
Father - thank you for being with us as the life’s flood waters rise and rivers rage. Thank you for the people who weather the storms with us, show us grace and love when the storm clouds seem never ending. Help us Lord in the times when we can enjoy sunny days to stomp in the puddles with someone in the storm. In the name Jesus, who will never leave us, because He loves us - we pray - Amen.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Everyday Grace

“Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.”
Titus 3:1-2

It had been one of those extra grace required kind of weeks. School was back in, we crossing guards were back on duty and my intersection with its four stops signs and one lane of traffic in each direction had turned into two lanes of traffic in each direction with everyone thinking they should go at the same time and a kink in my neck wasn’t helping. Horns honk, tempers flare and I stand on the corner shaking my head. Luckily we are told in scripture that His mercy is new everyday and in my opinion He tops off our grace tank as well.

Among the Apostle Paul’s shorter letters is this one to Titus, in our modern bibles a book with three short chapters. In the first chapter Paul gives his usual sort of greeting and reminds Titus of what his pastoral duties on Crete are and encourages him to carry them out well. In chapter two Paul provides some instruction to Titus about what he should be teaching to the various groups in the church and lets him know that the older men and women should be teaching the younger men and women how to live life well. When we get to chapter three it seems to be addressed to the group in general as Paul encourages Titus to remind the people how as followers of Christ they should be living. Given the era, some of that stuff was probably pretty hard to do. Paul reminds them that he and his companions had once lived a different way, a way contrary to where Jesus leads. But that being good is possible because “when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy… so that having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life… so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good” (Titus 3:4, 7 & 8).

Pastor Tullian Tchividjian of Coral Ridge Presbyterian church says “Gospel grace empowers us to take risks, allowing us to do for others without expecting anything in return because we have already been given everything we need in Christ. But what does everyday grace look like? Do you know the power of simple smile, the healing ability of a hug, the potentially life changing effect sacrificing your place in line might have on the person who took your place? Everyday grace can at times take on the simplest forms and be the tiniest acts of kindness and at other times its form is huge and risky, maybe even dangerous. But it doesn’t matter, we have been given an eternal supply of grace and we have been empowered to share with those around us. 

This week what will grace look like in your life? This week how will you share that grace with the world around you?

A Prayer
Father - thank you for soaking daily in your grace. Thank you for reminding us that we can do good because we know who we are in Christ. Grant us eyes and hearts to see where Your grace needs to be shared. Let us praise you when we see your grace at work in our lives and the lives of those around us. In the name Jesus, in whom we find grace and our true identities we pray - Amen.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Charitable Chooks - Grace and Favor

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were unwilling.”
Matthew 23:37

There once was two chickens named Grace and Favor. These two chickens generously shared their eggs with the farmer and regularly extended an invitation to any creature to join them for a meal. They even invited the old buzzard, who regularly made fun of them because they couldn’t fly. Because of their generosity the farm flourished and everyone lived together in peace. Ok, well I made that little story up as I was preparing to write this week’s devotion. You see there are two words one Greek - charis and the other Hebrew - hen that are often times translated as both grace and favor, which in turn reminded me of this week’s passage from Matthew.

Jesus is standing looking over the city filled with people He longed to gift with grace and favor but the people were not willing. They were to busy trying to save themselves, trying to live abundantly on their own while being oppressed by the Romans. God had been silent or seemingly so for a long while and so only a few paused long enough to hear what Jesus had to say, to accept the gift He was offering. If you were to keep reading into verses 38 & 39 you would see that in that place and at that particular time Jesus withdraws the gift, but not permanently.

In our modern world, we often get caught up in doing, trying to be who we think God wants us to be - only thing is we based that on what the world is telling us. For some the world maybe telling them they are unworthy and will never be loved by anyone let alone God. For others it might be the need for success and worldly power that has them to busy to accept the gift. But here’s the thing about God’s grace and favor - there is nothing any of us can do to earn it and at the same time no matter what we do - good or bad Jesus still loves you and stands holding this amazing gift with outstretched arms for anyone willing to take it. 

We hear lots of talk about why we struggle so receiving and giving grace - often as a reflection of a lack of faith. I think that it is an inaccurate self image that gets in the way. When we realize that we are children of God, heirs to the divine throne - we recognize the power, privilege and responsibility that come with our lives being wrapped up in Christ’s.

That said we can forgive much because we have been forgiven much, we can behave gracefully because we have been soaked in grace - we can be Christ to the world around us because Christ lives in us.

What about you, are you willing to let Jesus gather you under His wings so He can give you grace and show you favor?

A Prayer
Father - thank you for loving us and wanting the best for us even when we are unwilling to stop long enough to accept the amazing gift you have for us. Help us every day to accept anew Your favor and grace and then help us to show that favor and grace to those around us. In the name Jesus, we pray - Amen.