Hebrews 13:8
The time and space continuum was disrupted and it changed everything. The infinite creator of the universe and everything in it took on the form of one of His creatures and entered into a world limited by time and understanding. His only purpose in doing so was to change everything. That change continues to this very day.
In this week’s passage from the book of Hebrews is nestled among a series of exhortations as the book comes to a close. Jesus’s arrival into the world disrupted how everything had been done up to that point. Shepherds though considered outcasts by society, were lifted up and honored by getting the first birth announcement in a spectacular way. Jesus as the fulfillment of the law changed how the law should be viewed and followed. No longer what it a strict letter of the law kind of thing rather He focused people on the spirit of the law which at its simplest is to love God and love other. He changed what it looked like to go to the temple, he disrupted what everyone expected when they arrived there. Jesus changed the relationship be Creator and Creature. He changed how leaders where picked. He changed how people on the fringe – the tax collectors and a sinners were related to. Jesus changed hearts with love, compassion and grace. He changed the sacrificial system of the old covenant by laying down His own life for a new and everlasting covenant.
The ripples caused by Jesus’ entrance into the world millennia ago continue – His body on this planet – the people who have surrendered their lives to Him and make up what is collectively called the church – is always changing, growing, seeking to be more like Jesus every day.
Like the people of long ago we get set in our ways, we get comfortable in our skins and in our lives – sometimes we fail to continue to change. Jesus shook things up the entire time he was on the planet – that’s part of the reason the religious leaders of His day didn’t like Him – He was messing with the way things have always been done. Personally, I am glad that Jesus messed with the way things were always done, if he hadn’t I might not have had the opportunity to know Him, to call Him Lord – after all I am a gentile and a woman. But Jesus opened the way for all people who believe in Him, who have allowed Him to heal their souls and take away their sins to approach the very throne of God, as a child of the King.
I know change is hard, it means leaving things behind that are comfortable and seem safe. But that comfort and sense of security stunts the growth of our faith. It diminishes our need to rely on God to be with us always, being our strength when we are weak, our rest when we are weary, our comfort when we are overwhelmed with pain, our peace in the midst of life’s raging storms. We need change.
Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever – His sameness changes everything around Him, especially us and that my friends is a reason to worship God with all our hearts, minds and souls.
A Prayer
Father – Thank you for being unchanging in who You are. Thank you for changing everything else through the life of Your Son Jesus. Thank you that we do not have to stay stuck in the muck and mire of life. Thank you that above all else You want us to be constantly changing until we fully reflect Jesus. Help us to walk with others that need the amazing changes that Jesus and the Holy Spirit have for them. When it is time for us to change more be with us and send someone to walk with us. May we worship You every day for changing everything. In the name of Jesus, the unchanging One who changes everything – Amen.