Mark 6:31
It wasn’t until I sat down to write this that I realized how long it had been since I’d written anything, encouraging or otherwise. Two jobs, a major staff led renovation project and life has just had me and others I know crazy busy. Sometimes the pace of life gets like that – at least none of the people I know or work with are being followed around by huge crowds of people in the midst of all the busyness. Jesus and His crew of up and coming leaders, were not only busy to what they were meant to be doing, they also had to contend with large crowds of people who apparently hadn’t read the book Margin by Richard Swenson nor did they recognized that sometime people need to rest when it’s crazy busy.
That’s where we find Jesus and the gang in this week’s passage. In the verses leading up to this passage about getting away to rest, Jesus’ guys had just returned from their first “business trip” they had traveled light but had been really busy. Jesus would have learned during this time that John the Baptist had also been killed by Herod. Jesus and the guys are back together trying to have a little debrief and it would seem that they kept getting interrupted. Have you ever been there – just wanting to have some quiet conversation or alone time, but people are constantly interrupting you? Finally, Jesus is like “Let’s just get out of here and find someplace quiet to have a bite and get some rest.”
Even a little break can recharge our batteries, freshen our perspective and empower us to keep going. I did that recently, after a particularly crazy busy few weeks. I took a day off, got some extra sleep, lounged around in my jammies and then spent a lovely afternoon with a friend, having lunch and then enjoying a beautiful garden - the wonder of God’s creation. Things are still pretty busy but that little bit of rest was important, in keeping things going in the right direction.
Jesus and the guys only got a short boat ride to rest, because by the time they got to where they were going, the crowds were there waiting for them and they have to get back to work – back to being crazy busy.
Are you in a crazy busy place in your life right now? I know it can be exhilarating – working hard, seeing progress happen, seeing lives changed, being driven by adrenaline to get everything done. But even the Son of Man needed a break once in a while. Jesus most often took a break to spend time with His Father. Maybe it’s so crazy busy for you that the idea of taking even an hour off, much less a day or more seem impossible. Maybe it is, but there is time for a minute even in the craziness.
I want to encourage to try this little exercise in the midst of your busy day. Find, a quiet place - just gonna be real here – that place might just need to be the restroom. Close your eyes just for a moment, take of couple of nice deep breaths and remember these words from the Psalmist “My soul finds rest in God alone; my salvation comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will never be shaken” (Psalm 62:1).
A Prayer
Father – Thank you for modeling the need for short breaks, quiet times in the midst of days that can be crazy busy. Remind us of the importance of just breathing, having some food, a quiet moment or two. Thank you that in that brief time You can recharge us, strengthen us, refocus us for You good purposes. In the name of Jesus, in whom we find amazing rest and strength – Amen.