Monday, August 31, 2020

Be the One (Be Cowboy, part 2)

“Be careful not to do your ‘acts of righteousness’ before men, to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your father in heaven.”
Matthew 6:1

Last week, I encouraged you and myself to display the characteristics listed in the chorus of Chevel Shepherd’s song Be Cowboy. We were encouraged to be tough, to love, to be strong for others, be honest, to stand on a firm foundation even if it means standing alone. We were encouraged to be Better, Braver, Bolder.

The bridge of this great song says: “There’s a whole lotta people, in this world today. Who don’t even know that they got what it takes to be cowboy.”

I believe there are a whole lotta people in this world who don’t think they can be a Christian because of what they’ve done, because they feel unworthy, because for whatever reason God can’t love them.

This week, I want encourage all of us to be the one. The one who lives in such a way that shows the world God can and does love it and all the people in it and all they have to do is believe.

The verse of Be Cowboy:

“Be the one who does the right thing when there’s no one else around.
Be the one who runs into the flames when the house is burning down.”

Both of these lines talk about doing the right sing for the sake of the right thing. Matthew talks about not doing things in order to bring attention and honor to ourselves. “So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do… and on the streets, to be honored by men” (Matthew 6:2). He goes further saying that rather than drawing attention to ourselves by praying long, eloquent prayers in public, we should pray privately (Matthew 6:5-6). In both instances those who chose to bring glory to themselves forfeit what God has waiting for them. So just do the next right thing because it is the right thing to do. God is watching and so are the unbelievers among us.

“Be the one that holds on harder when it’s harder to hold one.
Be the one who keeps believing when you think that your hope is gone.”

King David and the Psalmists speak often about holding on and about being held when it seems like the worst is about to happen. “He reached down from on high and took hold of me; he drew me out of deep waters” (2 Samuel 22:17). In the New Testament book of Hebrews we are encouraged by these words: “But Christ is faithful as a son over God’s house. And we are his house, if we hold on to our courage and the hope of which we boast” (Hebrews 3:6). Scripture is all about holding on when it appears that all hope is gone and those that do find healing and future of abundant living.

I know that things seem pretty bleak right now but as followers of Jesus, we have the power to be better, braver and bolder as we stand firmly in our faith. A faith that when we live it out and speak the truth of the Gospel will show others there is a way to hope, a way to forgiveness and healing, a way to an abundant life that lasts for eternity. What do you think? Will you be better, braver, bolder – will you be the one who brings a person in need all that Jesus has to offer.

Check out Chevel Shepherd’s Be Cowboy

A Prayer
Father – You see everything we do. Help us to only care about pleasing you and bringing you glory and honor. Help us to be the ones who are bringing your hope, peace, forgiveness, healing and love to a world filled with people who are afraid, angry, selfish and feeling unworthy. Thank you for giving us everything we need to do your will. In the name of Jesus, who is The ONE who makes us better, braver, bolder way. Amen.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Better, Braver, Bolder (Be Cowboy, part 1)

“Those who have believing masters are not to show less respect for them because they are brothers. Instead, they are to serve them even better, because those who benefit from their service are believers, and dear to them.” 1 Timothy 6:2

“Have I not commanded? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

“Therefore, since we have such hope, we are very bold.” 2 Corinthians 3:12

Another awesome song has inspired me. Every couple of years the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) commission a new anthem and ask artists to sing it for the opening of the televised events. Think “Are You Ready for Some Football” only for bull riding instead. 2020 which has already seen the release of some great music perfect for the times in which we are living, has just delivered the new PBR anthem. It’s a song called Be Cowboy, written by Wynn Varble and David Frazier. Three artists have been given the nod to sing it. I think the best version of the song has been done by Chevel Shepherd, 2018 winner of the voice.

The reality is I think the song could really be the back drop for a sermon series or a couple of devotions – there is so much good stuff in it.

The chorus of Be Cowboy:
Be tough as ya gotta be
Love seven days a week
Be strong for those who are weak
Honest as the day is long
Be square as a cornerstone
Dare to stand alone
When you’re scared just carry on
Be better, Be braver, Be bolder
Be cowboy

We need to be tough living in these times on a fallen planet – but tough doesn’t mean hardened or compassionless. Being tough means getting back up when the world knocks you down. It means being compassionate and empathetic. Sometimes being tough means letting others see us persevere with the tears that often come in life’s storms – being authentic and transparent.

We need to love one another. Even when we don’t feel like loving people – even when we don’t feel lovable. Paul in his first letter to the church in Corinth tells us all about what love is, in what has become known as the love chapter. This chapter closes with these words: “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13) John tells us that perfect love drives out fear. We need to be showing people the perfect love of Christ because people seem to be filled with fear right now.

We need to be strong for others. God makes us strong when we are weak so we can be strong when others are weak. In the story of the exodus Moses had two people who gave him strength when he grew weak. You see there was a battle going on and as long as Moses held up the staff of God the Israelites were winning, but if he lowered his hands the other side would start winning. So Aaron and Hur held Moses’ hands up. I’ve been lucky to have people like Aaron and Hur in my life who have held me up when I was weak. We should be keeping our hearts open to do the same for those around us.

Honesty is always the best policy and as Christian we need to speak the truth to others in such a way that it leads them to the foot of the cross. A cornerstone is what provides the foundation of anything with its firm, straight and true starting point. Jesus is identified as being the cornerstone of our faith and in some translations He is both the cornerstone and the capstone – He is what holds our faith together.

It can be hard to stand alone when your beliefs go against what the world seems to be saying but it is so important, even if you risk being laughed at or it makes others mad – both things I have experienced. But standing alone can change what others think, or bring about a needed victory. David stood alone before Goliath and beat the giant.

So come on Christian – stop complaining, stop feeling sorry for yourself, stop blaming others for the storms of this life. If you hold on to your faith, God will help you Be better, Be braver, Be bolder.

Check out Chevel Shepherd’s Be Cowboy

A Prayer
Father – You know everything we are facing on this planet right now. You know that some of your people aren’t behaving very well right now. Help us to be better, be braver, be bolder. Help us to be who you called us to be. Thank you for your love that drives out fear, for the strength you give to us. In the name of Jesus, who shows us a better, braver, bolder way. Amen.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Broken? Let the Light In

“For God, who said, ‘Let light shine out of darkness,’ made his light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ.”
2 Corinthians 4:6

I heard the following quote while watching an art journaling video: “There is a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in.” The instructor on the video didn’t say who the quote was from yet it struck me as being truthful and perhaps truth filled, so I did some research to find out who said it.

Interestingly, there are three variations of this quote out in the world.
The oldest variation is attributed to 13th century Persian poet Rumi. His version reads:
“The wound is the place where the light enters you.”

The next version is attributed to American Author Earnest Hemingway, his reads:
“We are all broken that’s how the light gets in.”

Finally, the third version is attributed to Canadian poet, singer/songwriter Leonard Cohen:
“Forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything that’s how the light gets in.”

The last one is the one in the art journaling video for sure, but, I have to say I think I prefer the other two better.

The passage of Scripture above talks about the God who in the beginning said “let there be light” also puts His light into our hearts. But how and why does he do this? Scripture tells that “He replaces our hearts of stone with hearts of flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26). It tells us that “He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds” (Psalm 147:3).

Every time He heals our brokenness and binds up a wound He leaves some of His light to keep the life transforming healing going. But what causes us to be broken? We are born a bit broken, a result of the choice Adam and Eve made. Then our own selfish choices break us more. Whenever we choose to follow the world, to satisfy our needs in a way that causes God’s heart to hurt for us – when we sin, when we are disobedient, when we hurt others, when we act like we are ruling the universe – we break more, we get wounded in the battle of life.

When we reach a crisis point in our lives, when we realize that nothing we’ve done has truly satisfied our soul and filled the emptiness we have. When we are at the end of ourselves and cry out for help, even if we don’t know if there is someone out there to hear our call for help. He is there and the God who spoke our world into existence will come and heal your heart, bind up your wounds and leave His light in your heart to light your way all the way back to His heart.

Scripture is filled with stories of broken people who let His light in and found a new life, a life that will last for eternity. Are you broken today, shattered even? Call on Him and let the light in.

A Prayer Father – Some of our brokenness is out of our control and some of it is a direct result of our own selfish choices. We need you Lord now perhaps more than ever to come and bind up our wounds, heal our broken hearts and fill us with your light. Thank you for loving us so much. In the name of Jesus, who is the light of the world and the light in us. Amen.