“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”
Psalm 68:19
A lot of people I know are having a hard time. Health issues are isolating some from friends and church. For others finances are being stretched to the breaking point. Still others are seeking jobs and can’t find them or just don’t know where the journey is taking them. All of this and much more that we see happening in our world can weigh heavy on us. These things cause us to struggle with what we believe and question God’s plan for us. I know I am walking the journey with you and I have the same kinds of concerns and questions.
It’s ok if we wonder and question - our God is big enough to handle whatever we lay before Him. In fact the Psalmist tells us God bears our burdens daily. Imagine that – many of us feel like we are about to be crushed by the burden we carry and yet God carries my burdens and he carries the burden of each one reading this. He is big enough and strong enough to carry our burden and us and not even feel the weight of it. All we need to do is to take a step each day.
In the book How People Grow by doctors Henry Cloud and John Townsend a story is related about a man who came to one of the authors for advice. This man felt he had clear direction from God about something he was supposed to do but didn’t know why he was supposed to do it or where the journey would take him. The author’s response was “Welcome to following God. All God tells us is the next step. Take that one, and the one after will appear, but not before.” Not an easy thing for us mortals who want all the answers and who when we slam into the walls of life would prefer to hide under a rock than attempt to climb over. But the key here is we don’t have to get over the wall on our own, God is carrying our pack and will give us a boost. Not only that but He puts people in our lives to help carry the load as well and to give us a boost as well – kind of like a human ladder set up on the firm foundation of God’s love for us.
Whatever you are facing today – you are not alone, we are not alone. Distance may separate some of us and the busyness of life makes it hard to connect. But we are not alone. We share this journey and God will carry the burden if we let Him.
A prayer
Father – May we praise you today because you can and will carry our burdens. Thank you that we are not alone, that there are others who know what we are going through and who are in small ways carrying the burden with us. Help us to not feel alone as we walk this road. May we feel the Your presence and the prayers of those who travel with us. In the name of Jesus Amen.
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