“As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love.”
John 15:9
Recently when I asked my daughter what she had learned a two week intensive acting workshop – she talked about finding the character’s center as being something she thought would be useful. That got me to thinking… there are lots of ways we can center our lives. We can center our lives on our intellect, on our self-sufficiency, on our work, on our sports, on lots of things – some good some not so good. But where should be we centering our lives? So I have been thinking about the importance of centering our lives the right way. What is the right way?
Jesus shows us what a centered life looks like. His center is his heart for the Father and for the people He came to serve. If we center our lives on Him then we will see the world as He sees it. We will see how much we are valued just for who we are, we will see how others should be valued just for who they are. Mother Teresa once said that she saw Jesus in the face of every destitute and sick person whom she served. Her life was centered on Jesus He was her motivation in everything she did. I believe in her worldly poverty she lived in extreme abundance. Like Jesus prayer played an important role in Mother Teresa’s life. It is in prayer, in this time of intimate communication that we can find our proper center as well.
This week think about where your life is centered – as followers of Christ I believe we should be centered on His heart. When we sit with Him in prayer we should see His heart reflecting on us and He should see His heart reflecting back. This week’s scripture speaks volumes – Jesus knew that His father loved Him completely – the Father loves us too. Jesus loved His disciples and indeed the whole of mankind because of the Father’s love. Jesus tells us to stay in His love. Stay in His love even when life is tough, even when we feel unlovable, even when we don’t want to love.
Stay centered on the heart of God and experience a whole new kind of abundance.
A prayer
Father – Help us to center our lives on You. Help us to value others the way you value us. As we spend time with you show us what a truly abundant life looks like. Thank you that Jesus loves us the way that You do. May we find joy and peace as we remain is His love. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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