“Carry each other’s burdens, in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2
Have you ever tried to move something heavy by yourself? You may have been successful, but no doubt it was hard and maybe you hurt your back in the process. The same project with a helper makes the job faster and easier on your back. Life can be heavy sometimes that's why we need people to walk with us in life - to help us when life gets heavy.
Moses was given a heavy burden by God - lead the people out of Egypt and to the land He had promised Abraham a long time before. It would have been impossible for Moses to do it alone. Fortunately, God provided Moses with help. Miriam and Aaron helped to lead the people out. In the midst of one battle Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands all day so that the Hebrew army would be victorious (Exodus 17:12). Naomi had Ruth to help her through her time of grief. The Apostle Paul never traveled alone and his companions often ended up in jail right along with him.
We all need, not only the Holy Spirit to guide us through the darkness of this life - but we also need other people to help us carry the heavy stuff of life. The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous understood this and that is why those walking the steps have sponsors - someone to help them carry the burden when the going gets tough. Jesus, taught his disciples to care for one another, to love one another, to help each other - because he knew they would face hard times down the road.
Who helps you carry the burden, to move the heavy stuff of life? Are you helping someone with their load? As followers of Christ, as brothers and sisters in Christ we are supposed to carry one another’s burdens. When we do, we will experience what one friend of mine described as being “overwhelmed by blessings.”
To be overwhelmed by blessings is such a good thing, especially when you find yourself in the wilderness.
Don’t carry whatever struggle you are dealing with alone. Let someone help and you will both be blessed.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you for putting people in our lives to help carry our burdens. Thank you for letting us help others carry theirs burdens. You made us for relationship so we would never have to be alone and what a blessing those relationships can be. Help us to let others help us and show us where we can help those around us. May we bless and honor you as we care for one another. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Something Special For You is a weekly Christian devotion intended to encourage you on your life journey. It is my prayer that you will be blessed ~ Leann
Monday, June 25, 2012
Monday, June 18, 2012
Help! I Think My Brain is Melting
“The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.’ So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.”
Mark 6:30-32
The apostles had recently returned from a short mission trip and they were excited to share all that had gone on while they were away. No doubt they also wanted to hear about what Jesus had been up to while they were gone. But the crowds were distracting all of them - so Jesus decided they needed to retreat, to find some peace and quiet, to get some rest and quiet their minds and souls.
Enter the twenty-first century; we are constantly bombarded by information - good and bad. We face all sorts of life situations also good and bad. We are excited to share the good stuff with friends and family. We know we should share the bad, but often times don’t - we don’t want to add our troubles to the struggles our friends are facing. We can easily get overloaded and our brains begin to feel like they are turning into mush. If we can get quiet for just a moment we can hear Jesus calling us to come with him to a quiet place to rest.
If we are smart and want our brains to cool down and function so we can enjoy the good and deal effectively with the bad, we will heed His call and take a time out. Where is your quiet place? Of course it isn’t necessary to get in a boat like Jesus and the apostle’s did, but if you have that option it could be nice. Maybe you have a beautiful garden to sit in. Perhaps there is a beach nearby or a nice park. I like the mountains myself when I can get there. Maybe the kitchen table with a cup of tea works for you. The point is to take some time away from the busyness of life to rest, to spend time with the Lord just you and Him and to let you brain firm up again.
I hope this week you will find a quiet place and give your brain a rest.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you for letting us know it is good for us to rest, to stop and find restoration for our weary minds and souls. Help us to actually heed your words and rest. Help us to slow down so that our brains won’t melt. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Mark 6:30-32
The apostles had recently returned from a short mission trip and they were excited to share all that had gone on while they were away. No doubt they also wanted to hear about what Jesus had been up to while they were gone. But the crowds were distracting all of them - so Jesus decided they needed to retreat, to find some peace and quiet, to get some rest and quiet their minds and souls.
Enter the twenty-first century; we are constantly bombarded by information - good and bad. We face all sorts of life situations also good and bad. We are excited to share the good stuff with friends and family. We know we should share the bad, but often times don’t - we don’t want to add our troubles to the struggles our friends are facing. We can easily get overloaded and our brains begin to feel like they are turning into mush. If we can get quiet for just a moment we can hear Jesus calling us to come with him to a quiet place to rest.
If we are smart and want our brains to cool down and function so we can enjoy the good and deal effectively with the bad, we will heed His call and take a time out. Where is your quiet place? Of course it isn’t necessary to get in a boat like Jesus and the apostle’s did, but if you have that option it could be nice. Maybe you have a beautiful garden to sit in. Perhaps there is a beach nearby or a nice park. I like the mountains myself when I can get there. Maybe the kitchen table with a cup of tea works for you. The point is to take some time away from the busyness of life to rest, to spend time with the Lord just you and Him and to let you brain firm up again.
I hope this week you will find a quiet place and give your brain a rest.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you for letting us know it is good for us to rest, to stop and find restoration for our weary minds and souls. Help us to actually heed your words and rest. Help us to slow down so that our brains won’t melt. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Clearing Away the Weeds
“Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. …The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.”
Luke 8:7 & 14
Gardens take work. They have to be watered, they have to be weeded and pests have to be kept away. Weeds can cause problems - their thorns cause pain and they can overrun the flowers and vegetables in a garden. In our backyard foxtails are a particular problem especially for our dogs so we have to make the effort to get rid of them.
Our hearts are gardens too - In Jesus’ parable of the sower he talks about the different planting and growing conditions of the heart. Weeds can grow in our hearts if we are not paying attention. The thorns of life can cause pain. The clutter of worldly stuff can crowd out the hope of the Good News. Weeds can block our view of the garden path and the fruit growing there. Weeds can leave us filled with doubt, worry, and even fear.
What weeds are endangering the garden of your heart today? When was the last time you tended to the garden of your life in Christ? How is your relationship with the Master Gardener? Jesus is waiting to work in the garden with you - He will show you the weeds that need to be pulled if you let Him. He will help you plant - faith, hope, love and a lot of other beneficial things so that you can enjoy the fruitfulness of a life in Him.
This week spend some time with the Master Gardener, getting your life’s garden ready for the bountiful harvest He has planned for you.
A Prayer
Father - Help us to tend to the garden of our hearts. Show us the weeds that need to be pulled out by the roots. Show us the new seed You desire to plant in our lives - seed that will benefit us and bring a bountiful harvest of faith, hope and love. Thank you for being our Master Gardener. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Luke 8:7 & 14
Gardens take work. They have to be watered, they have to be weeded and pests have to be kept away. Weeds can cause problems - their thorns cause pain and they can overrun the flowers and vegetables in a garden. In our backyard foxtails are a particular problem especially for our dogs so we have to make the effort to get rid of them.
Our hearts are gardens too - In Jesus’ parable of the sower he talks about the different planting and growing conditions of the heart. Weeds can grow in our hearts if we are not paying attention. The thorns of life can cause pain. The clutter of worldly stuff can crowd out the hope of the Good News. Weeds can block our view of the garden path and the fruit growing there. Weeds can leave us filled with doubt, worry, and even fear.
What weeds are endangering the garden of your heart today? When was the last time you tended to the garden of your life in Christ? How is your relationship with the Master Gardener? Jesus is waiting to work in the garden with you - He will show you the weeds that need to be pulled if you let Him. He will help you plant - faith, hope, love and a lot of other beneficial things so that you can enjoy the fruitfulness of a life in Him.
This week spend some time with the Master Gardener, getting your life’s garden ready for the bountiful harvest He has planned for you.
A Prayer
Father - Help us to tend to the garden of our hearts. Show us the weeds that need to be pulled out by the roots. Show us the new seed You desire to plant in our lives - seed that will benefit us and bring a bountiful harvest of faith, hope and love. Thank you for being our Master Gardener. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
Monday, June 4, 2012
A Listening Heart
“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”
John 10:27-28
The Greek word that is translated listen in today’s passage means: hear, pay attention, understand, and obey. How do you listen? Most of us would probably say that we listen with our ears - this of course is true - at least to a point. Kardia is the Greek word most often translated as heart in the New Testament. The heart was considered the seat of the inner self comprised of life, soul, mind and spirit. The heart was the place where thinking and true understanding took place.
God has a listening heart - He hears our cries for mercy and forgiveness, strength and guidance and He responds to us with His amazing love. Picking us up when we fall, carrying us when we are to weary to go on and holding us when we are overwhelmed by life.
We need to have listening hearts, so that we will hear His voice, pay attention to and understand what He is saying to us and then respond because we love Him - we will follow Him. Sometimes we let the noise of the world overload our hearts and then all we hear is static. God doesn’t yell over the noise He whispers into it. So how do we quiet our hearts so we can listen?
I can think of several things we can do to quiet our hearts. How about fasting from artificial noise - turn off the T.V. or radio and listen to the sounds of nature. Read God’s Word. Sing simple songs of praise that come from your heart - they will break through the static. Ask for forgiveness. No doubt you can think of other ways to have a listening heart.
Today and all this week, tune your heart to hear God’s voice and follow Him where He leads because He is leading you to paradise.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you for having a listening heart, for hearing and responding to our prayers. Help us to have listening hearts, show us how to quiet our hearts so we can hear your voice, know you better and follow after you all the days of our lives and for all eternity. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
John 10:27-28
The Greek word that is translated listen in today’s passage means: hear, pay attention, understand, and obey. How do you listen? Most of us would probably say that we listen with our ears - this of course is true - at least to a point. Kardia is the Greek word most often translated as heart in the New Testament. The heart was considered the seat of the inner self comprised of life, soul, mind and spirit. The heart was the place where thinking and true understanding took place.
God has a listening heart - He hears our cries for mercy and forgiveness, strength and guidance and He responds to us with His amazing love. Picking us up when we fall, carrying us when we are to weary to go on and holding us when we are overwhelmed by life.
We need to have listening hearts, so that we will hear His voice, pay attention to and understand what He is saying to us and then respond because we love Him - we will follow Him. Sometimes we let the noise of the world overload our hearts and then all we hear is static. God doesn’t yell over the noise He whispers into it. So how do we quiet our hearts so we can listen?
I can think of several things we can do to quiet our hearts. How about fasting from artificial noise - turn off the T.V. or radio and listen to the sounds of nature. Read God’s Word. Sing simple songs of praise that come from your heart - they will break through the static. Ask for forgiveness. No doubt you can think of other ways to have a listening heart.
Today and all this week, tune your heart to hear God’s voice and follow Him where He leads because He is leading you to paradise.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you for having a listening heart, for hearing and responding to our prayers. Help us to have listening hearts, show us how to quiet our hearts so we can hear your voice, know you better and follow after you all the days of our lives and for all eternity. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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