Monday, June 25, 2012

Don't Carry it Alone

“Carry each other’s burdens, in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.”
Galatians 6:2

Have you ever tried to move something heavy by yourself? You may have been successful, but no doubt it was hard and maybe you hurt your back in the process. The same project with a helper makes the job faster and easier on your back. Life can be heavy sometimes that's why we need people to walk with us in life - to help us when life gets heavy.

Moses was given a heavy burden by God - lead the people out of Egypt and to the land He had promised Abraham a long time before. It would have been impossible for Moses to do it alone. Fortunately, God provided Moses with help. Miriam and Aaron helped to lead the people out. In the midst of one battle Aaron and Hur held up Moses’ hands all day so that the Hebrew army would be victorious (Exodus 17:12). Naomi had Ruth to help her through her time of grief. The Apostle Paul never traveled alone and his companions often ended up in jail right along with him.

We all need, not only the Holy Spirit to guide us through the darkness of this life - but we also need other people to help us carry the heavy stuff of life. The founders of Alcoholics Anonymous understood this and that is why those walking the steps have sponsors - someone to help them carry the burden when the going gets tough. Jesus, taught his disciples to care for one another, to love one another, to help each other - because he knew they would face hard times down the road.

Who helps you carry the burden, to move the heavy stuff of life? Are you helping someone with their load? As followers of Christ, as brothers and sisters in Christ we are supposed to carry one another’s burdens. When we do, we will experience what one friend of mine described as being “overwhelmed by blessings.”

To be overwhelmed by blessings is such a good thing, especially when you find yourself in the wilderness.

Don’t carry whatever struggle you are dealing with alone. Let someone help and you will both be blessed.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for putting people in our lives to help carry our burdens. Thank you for letting us help others carry theirs burdens. You made us for relationship so we would never have to be alone and what a blessing those relationships can be. Help us to let others help us and show us where we can help those around us. May we bless and honor you as we care for one another. In the name of Jesus, Amen.


  1. Wow ... although this devotion was written over 2 years ago (today is 11/3/14), it was an answer to prayer today! Thank you Leann for being wonderful you to allow the Holy Spirit to work in you for good things!
    Luv n Blessings, Carolyn

    1. So glad it was what you needed today :o) What a privilege it is for God to allow me to be part of something that will stand the test of time. God Bless
