“He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering…Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows…”
Isaiah 53:3-4
As I write this the community I live in is reeling from the tragic death of a young man. Answers will be demanded of God -“Why did this happen? Where were you God?” You know the questions, perhaps you have asked them yourself at some point. Fists perhaps are being shaken at God as grief and anger mix to bring mind and heart numbing pain.
Where is God as times like these? He is right there in the middle of it - taking whatever we throw at him, understanding the pain we feel - because He has been there, He has experienced pain - he understands. In today’s passage the prophet Isaiah describes the Messiah as a man of sorrows, a man familiar with suffering. Isaiah continues by saying the Messiah carried our sorrows.
Jesus understands the pain that comes with loss. His cousin John the Baptist was killed by a cruel ruler. One friend betrayed him and another denied knowing him. He witnessed the brutality of the Romans. He wept over a city filled with people who should have recognized him but didn’t. He was mocked, beaten and crucified - it was our sorrow, our failings, our sins that he carried to that cross. Yes, Jesus understands pain - his own and ours.
Yet, he stands in the midst of whatever storm we face. His arms open wide, allowing us to take out our hurt, our fear, our anger on him and ready to catch us and hold us when we grow weary. As we collapse into His loving embrace we can feel the tears He is crying for us. We can hear him saying - I know it hurts, its okay, let it out - let it all out, I’m here, I’ve got you, I’ll be with you, I love you.
This week no matter what you are facing know that the God of the universe, knows how you feel, He is acquainted with grief. You are not alone He is with you always.
A Prayer
Father - So many things happen in this world that just seem so senseless and cause so much pain. Thank you that because you sent your Son to be with us You understand the pain we experience. Thank you for holding us in your arms and whispering your comfort to us even when we might not want it. Thank you that we are not alone in our pain because you are acquainted with grief. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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