“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.”
Acts 4:13
I saw an interesting news story on the internet the other day. In the story a seemingly normal guy set out to make a documentary about getting rejected… go figure - don’t we face enough rejection in this world without having to intentionally go look for it? One day he walked into a Krispy Kreme donut shop and made an unusual request - he wanted a donut in the shape of the Olympic rings, and colored correctly. Now of course he expected to be told no, instead he found himself in an extraordinary situation. The manager of the shop was up to the challenge, did her best to meet the gentleman’s request, even googling the symbol to make sure she got the colors right. When she presented the donuts to him, he was thrilled and then it got even better. She gave him the donuts - no charge. He said he had failed in his attempt to get rejected but that the actions of the Krispy Kreme manager was extraordinary and made his heart feel good.
In today’s passage it is not that Peter and John were courageous as they preached the Good News of Jesus, it is the fact that they were ordinary men, doing something extraordinary because they had been with Jesus. For some of those they touched with their message powered by the Holy Spirit - hearts where changed, fear was driven out and healing took place. But for others, the effect was the opposite - they were afraid because two ordinary men were doing extraordinary things in the name of Jesus.
I am fairly certain that most of us get that we are just ordinary people, but I am also sure that every once in a while I catch a glimpse of the extraordinary in others and sometimes myself. What about you? Has your heart been changed by an extraordinary act of an ordinary person? Have you been the extraordinary answer to the prayer of an ordinary friend or stranger?
As we clear away the leftovers of our Thanksgiving feasts and approach the season of Advent may we experience the extraordinary in the ordinary and be made better for it.
A Prayer
Father - Thank you, for using ordinary people and circumstances to do extraordinary things in this world. Help us to be on the lookout for those extraordinary moments that will fill our hearts to over flowing and bring You glory and honor. In the name of Jesus - Amen.
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