“For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”
1 Corinthians 13:12
At some point in our lives we all have a day when we get out of bed look at ourselves in the mirror and think… it would just be better to climb back into bed and pull the blankets over our heads. One look and doubt about our value, our purpose creeps in and we haven’t even faced the world yet. We make the choice not to hide and go out into the world where our reflection can become even more clouded. The world has very definite ideas about how we should look and act and if we are living against the current that reflection can really beat us up.
Today’s passage from Paul’s love chapter reminds us that the mirrors in our lives do not reflect who we really are. Imagine that the mirror we gaze into in the morning, the one that reveals the wrinkles, dark circles under our eyes and the graying hair, is actually a two way mirror. On our side we see our flawed selves, the self the world has turned us into. The reflection that says we are not worthy, we have little value. On the other side of the mirror God is looking at us just as intently.
He sees a different version of us. He can see beyond what the world has made us to be. He sees beyond what we are and how we look. He sees beyond our flaws and sin. He sees us as He created us. He created each of us perfect to fulfill the purpose he has given us. He sees our value and He loves us.
As we race toward the solemn observance of Christ’s passion and the celebration of His resurrection, remember that His sacrifice was made because He loves us and He wants a vibrant relationship with us.
As Paul says today we see only a reflection. Someday we will look Jesus in the face and see who we really are in the glow of His glory. We will see what He sees and he sees us as beautiful and more than worth the price He paid to restore us.
A Prayer
Father, thank you that You see through what we see when we look in the mirror. Thank you for giving us value and beauty. Until we see you face to face, help us to catch a glimpse of who we are in you the next time we see our reflection. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
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