“Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to the LORD your God. On it you shall not to any work…”
Exodus 20:9-10
Are you to pooped to party? Do you wish you had some of Lucy’s Vitameatavegamin? Maybe you need one of those five hour energy drinks or an espresso from Starbucks. Life on this planet can be like driving on the autobahn - full throttle. But living full throttle isn’t good for us, neither is Lucy’s Vitameatavegamin.
When we live to fast and overloaded for too long, it takes a toll on us physically, spiritually and emotionally. When we start to run out of energy and try to get a boost by some artificial means, it just means that when we finally reach melt down, we are really down. God knew we would be inclined to live to fast, work too hard and that our relationships with Him and others would suffer because of it.
So He built the one real cure for being too pooped to party into His plan for us. We have six days to live full throttle if that is what we choose to do, but we need to take one day off. We need to take a day to slow down. When we slow down we can spend quality time with God and with the people who are important to us. When we slow down we can enjoy the amazing creation all around us. When we slow down we might actually see the others around us who are hurting and need to slow down too.
This week no matter what your calendar looks like, no matter how many appointments you have scheduled I want to encourage you to clear one day - any day will do. Slow down, smell the flowers, enjoy the company of good friends over a great meal, take a nap and spend some quality time with the Shepherd of your life. It will be easier to hit your top speed when you are rested heart, soul and mind.
A Prayer
Father, help us to slow down at least once a week. Help us to set aside time rest our bodies, our minds and our souls. As we travel at a snail’s pace help us to really see the world around us and to see it through your eyes. Thank you for building rest into your plan for us. In the name of Jesus who leads us to rest, Amen.
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