Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Following the Son

“From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the Lord is to be praised.”
Psalm 113:3

What do Sunflowers, Desert Lupine, Arctic Poppies, and Snow Buttercups have in common? They are all heliotropes. That means they follow the sun as it moves across the sky. Following the sun allows them to absorb the warmth and nutrition they need grow and dress our planet more brilliantly than Solomon’s robes. 

We have a Son to follow as well. He is the maker of all things; He made the sun and set it on its daily course. He made the flowers that follow that sun in order to grow. His Word is a lamp for our feet, a light for our paths (Psalm 119:105). Jesus said, “I am the way and the truth and the life” (John 14:6). When we follow the Son, doing his will and reflecting His image and character we will be filled with all we need and the fruit of His character will be more evident in us.

How are you growing this week? Is the warmth of God’s love filling your being? Do you have His joy and peace even in the midst of whatever trial you might be facing? Is His patience allowing you to wait on Him, even if it takes a thousand years to get the answer you are looking for? 

If not, take time this week to look up and get oriented or re-oriented toward the light of the Son and follow after Him, you will be growing again in no time. If it is, take time to do a little praise dance, to thank Him for being the faithful leader of your life.

A Prayer
Father, thank you that we can learn so much about Your goodness and Your love for us from the rest of Your creation. As the flowers you dress the fields with follow the sun, this week help us to follow Your Son so we can be filled with the warmth of Who You are and grow abundantly more like You. In the name of Jesus, who is the light we need, we pray - Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again Leann ... this devotion was especially beautiful to me! The imagery was just delightful to start off this morning with such peace and joy ... I love you my friend!
