“You make know to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.”
Psalm 16:11
In eight and a half weeks I will complete a journey I started on more than six years ago. When I started the journey I had no real idea where it would take me. For a short time I thought I had a clear picture of the destination. Now as I near the end, I am completely clueless and I am not going to be able to figure it out myself. What about you - how is your journey going?
This feeling of cluelessness if probably why I spent twenty minutes crying as I sang along with a song by a group called the Sidewalk Prophets. The song is called “Help Me Find It” The opening lines say: “I don’t know where to go from here. It all used to seem so clear. I’m finding I can’t do this on my own.” I can relate to the sentiment of these words. Have you felt that way? Are you feeling that way now? The song is a prayer, a heart cry for God’s will to be done whether it means being still or knowing which road to take when the road comes to a fork.
It is also a song that acknowledges God’s faithfulness and grace in the midst of our fear and doubt. The Psalm that this week’s passage comes from is also a song that acknowledges God’s incredible care and faithfulness.
The winds of change are blowing for a lot of people, if you are feeling clueless like me join me at the throne of God - bring your doubts and fears with you. By the time we are done we will be praising God and walking away with the faith and grace we need, to find the way He is leading us in. He is leading us on a path to an amazing life.
I know I need Him to help me find the next step - what about you?
A Prayer
Father, sometimes life takes more twists and turns than a good mystery novel but you know that path you want each of us to take. It is a path of faith and grace, a path that sometimes we can’t or won’t see. For those times when we feel clueless and lost, thank you for your direction and care. We can always count on you to lead us to life, thank you. In the name of Jesus, we pray - Amen.
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