“From the sixth hour until the ninth hour darkness came over all the land. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks split. There was a violent earthquake, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and, going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it.”
Matthew 27: 45, 51 and 28:2
No matter whether you think the world is millions of years old or considerably younger, the planet has seen the beginning and end of many ages. It would seem that each age comes and goes in an environment of great turmoil.
Jesus had denied the religious leaders of His day any additional signs to prove He was who He claimed to be. In the days following His triumphal entrance into Jerusalem, Jesus spent much of his time trying to prepare His disciples for what was coming. He tried to answer their questions about the end of the age. He warned them about imposters, about war, natural disasters - He warned them of the turmoil, pain and suffering that would come with the end of the age. They did not understand that they would witness some of these things in just a few days.
On Friday the sky went black and the ground shook. The war was won with a rugged Roman cross and an empty tomb - an age ended and another began. Yet, battles still rage for the hearts and souls of mankind.
We will battle on; we will continue to witness the sorts of things Jesus warned His disciples about. In the midst of all the turmoil of this life, if we dare to keep our focus on our conquering servant King and Savior - we can live the abundant, victorious life He intends for us today and every day.
A Prayer
Father, help us to be mindful of the signs of times, so we can respond with grace and mercy to the circumstances around us. Above all else help us to focus on the One who has gained the eternal victory for us, using a cross and empty tomb. In the name of Jesus, our Servant King and Savior - Amen.
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