Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Watch Where You are Pointing That

“For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”
Hebrews 4:12

Having a background in law enforcement and handling several types of firearms, I understand the importance of weapons safety. The improper handling of weapons can be disastrous. The Bible describes itself as a sword, a deadly weapon. Used improperly the results of this divine weapon can also be disastrous. 

How the Word of God is used is dependent on who is wielding it. God’s angels, no doubt use it in the real battles they fight in the unseen realms. In the book of Daniel we read that Gabriel who was tasked to take God’s answer to Daniel, needed assistance from Michael because he had encountered resistance on the way (See Daniel 10:12-13). In the book of Revelation we read that Michael and his angel forces do battle against Satan and his army in heaven (See Revelation 12:7-9). 

In the hands of the Holy Spirit, this mighty sword can be healing; cutting out the sinful nature of man and replacing a heart of stone for one of flesh. In the hands of the Holy Spirit it also reminds God’s people of all that God wants them to know - it reveals the character of God and the image we were made in. It is the sword of judgment that all will face sending some to eternal life in the presence of God and others to eternal separation from God in Hell.

What about when we wield God’s Word? Paul tells us to put on the full armor of God and to take up the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. Why? So we can stand against the devil’s schemes (See Ephesians 6:10-17). For us the Word of God can be used as both a defensive and offensive weapon as we deal with Satan. When Jesus was in the wilderness being tempted by Satan - He used God’s Word to defend himself (See Luke 4:3-12). 

However, there are some who call themselves followers of Christ who also use His Word as a weapon against other believers and unbelievers alike and the results can be disastrous. My favorite Bible, the one that sits on my desk, is packed with notes from sermons and study, with tattered pages - the one I most like to read weighs about three pounds. If I hit you over the head with it, I have no doubts that it would hurt. If you hit me over the head with your favorite Bible I’d get hurt too. In Paul’s second letter to Timothy we read that the “Scriptures are good for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16). I would add that they are good for encouraging us to reflect the image that we have been made in - the image that Jesus’ sacrificial death and resurrection is restoring in us. 

How are you using God’s Word? Are you wielding it in judgment that is the Lord’s alone or are you using it carefully, with Christ inspired love so that the Holy Spirit can use your life to bring soul healing to those around you? 

A Prayer
Father - forgive us for the times when we beat others over the head with your Word using it like at weapon of destruction. Help us to allow our hearts be softened and renewed by this powerful weapon and teach us to wield it in a way that brings healing to those around us and glory to You. In the name Jesus - Amen.

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