Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Let Us Pray

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’ He said to them, ‘When you pray, say: …
Luke 11:1-2a

I did not think I would be writing about prayer, but, then something interesting happened and it became clear that prayer should indeed be the topic this week. I have been doing ministry online with a friend who lives in Texas. We are both at a place where this particular season of ministry is coming to an end as we both make room for doing what the Lord would have us do. We were communicating via email when my friend asked if I might answer a few questions to help her prepare a Bible study. My responses to those questions have become the stuff of devotions – apparently.

The first question I was asked was: “What is prayer to you?” This was followed up with: “How do you maintain a rich prayer life?” After some thought I responded by saying that to me, prayer is an ongoing conversation with Jesus; sometimes with me talking and more importantly, sometimes with me listening. The second part of the question took a bit more thought but ultimately I was honest with my friend and told her. It's hard to say how I maintain a rich prayer life, since I often feel like I am in "constant contact". But here are a few things I do. First, when someone asks me personally for prayer - I pray with them right then and there whether it’s in person, on the phone, via email or text or Facebook - you get the picture. Next, I like being quiet and still so when I really need to focus on something I need divine guidance on I seek solitude - this might mean spending some time in the sanctuary of my church, or going for a walk or a bike ride. Third, being outside often makes me feel more in touch with his creation and is good for those times when I need to listen. Sometimes I pray the Scriptures, putting my name or the name of someone else into the text - the Psalms and the Lord's Prayer are particularly good for this. Saying the Lord's Prayer is a regular part of my prayer life, I often say it multiple times a day. 

There are things about prayer that I have learned over the years: nothing is too small, it's ok to pray for myself, and prayer doesn't have to be eloquent, but is must be authentic.

My friend then asked: “What aspects of the Lord's Prayer speak into your prayer life?” I replied that the short answer was - all of it does. Jesus, has provided us with a perfect model of prayer. More specifically I think it depends on where I'm at and what I am dealing with.

The Lord’s Prayer in full - really begins and ends in the worship of the One who hears our prayers and has the power to answer them. Which, in my opinion makes worship, just as much an act of prayer as praying itself?

His will be done - this is key. When we strive to live in and pray for His will - we place things firmly into His hands. This is the most dangerous part of the prayer - because we may say we want His will, but it often comes at a great price.

His provision - Our daily bread (Luke 11:3)...He stands ready to give us what we need for the day. Manna in the wilderness, all of his creation is provided for each day.

His forgiveness - is the healing and freedom for our souls and lives. The power of His forgiveness drives our ability to forgive others.

His protection - we won't know until we get to the other side everything that he saved us from, but as we look back we hopefully see that his protections was and is with us everyday helping us to walk the path He lays before us.

Amen - "So be it" by closing the prayer with Amen we are affirming that the we believe and trust that He will do what we have asked and that we are prepared to accept His will.

Great thought provoking questions - right? You’ve read my thoughts as I answered them, so this week I want to encourage you to ask yourself these questions. What is prayer to you? How do you maintain a rich prayer life? What aspects of the Lord’s Prayer speak into your prayer life? 

So be it - let us pray.

A Prayer
Father - thank you, for giving us a way to communicate with you. Help us to not take that for granted, or to think that we need to do all the talking. Remind us that you already know exactly who we are and what is in our hearts - so we can just be real with You when we talk. Thank you that Your Son teaches us a perfect prayer that reveals much about your character. Grant us the courage to ask for Your will to be done and to stand ready to accept it. In the name of Jesus, we pray - Amen, so be it.

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