Luke 1:28-30; 36-38a
An ordinary girl in an ordinary town on an ordinary day so long ago would begin an extraordinary journey to an extraordinary life. The journey begins with an extraordinary visitor with a strange greeting that caused some fear. She didn’t shy away though, she listened to every amazing word that her visitor spoke, she asked reasonable questions when it was appropriate. When the visitor had spoken all he’d come to say, she said she’d go and do and that all should happen just as the visitor said it should.
The passage for this week is from Luke’s Gospel and is really the very beginning of we call the Christmas story. I always find it amazing that angels always have to say “don’t be afraid” when they are sent to talk with one of us humans. So imagine how Mary must have felt when Gabriel turns up with his odd greeting and his this is what God has planned for your now not so ordinary life words. Having perhaps recovered a bit from the angel’s arrival, I am not so sure the fear had fully subsided as Gabriel began to tell her about God’s plan. You see God’s plan was no small thing in Mary’s world and it could very well have left her completely alone in the world or worse – dead.
But, Gabriel tells Mary something that brings hope into view. Her very old relative Elizabeth was having a child of her own because “nothing is impossible for God”. As Mary’s life changing journey begins she is moved from fear to hope, enough hope that she is able to tell Gabriel that she’ll do it, she’ll carry God’s Son.
Gabriel didn’t tell her that everything would be rosy and perfect. He didn’t assure her that Joseph would accept her and the child. He didn’t tell her about any of the stuff she would have to face in the months and years ahead. He told her simply that something that was impossible had become possible and that no matter what she would be able to count on her God.
Maybe you are facing something scary, something that is leaving you feeling a bit anxious. Maybe you are in a raging life storm and feel like you are going to get swamped by the next wave or knocked out of the boat by the next gust of wind. Whatever it is happening the advent journey begins with fear and moves to hope – because nothing is impossible with God.
Let’s journey together from fear to hope.
A Prayer
Father – Thank you for moving us from fear to hope as we journey through this life. Times can be hard and sometimes it can seem like it will be impossible for us to overcome what we are facing. But Gabriel told your servant Mary that nothing is impossible for You. So grant us the faith to believe his words are true and that You are with us making the impossible possible and bring us hope and an extraordinary life. In the name of Jesus, who has made the most important thing possible – Amen.
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