“Jesus called out with a loud voice, ‘Father, into your hands I commit my spirit.’ When he had said this, he breathed his last.”
Luke 23:46
Hours earlier, before Jesus willingly gave up his spirit he had been at Gethsemane, overwhelmed with sorrow, sweating blood and asking his Father if there was anyway… Let’s rewind, just a bit. Matthew, Mark and Luke all tell us that Jesus was not alone in the garden that evening – his disciples were with him. He told them to sit here while I go over there to pray and he took Peter, James and John with him. Peter, James and John were asked to “keep watch with me” (Matthew 26:38). Jesus went a bit further, falls on His face in prayer and in great emotional turmoil prays “My Father, if it is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but as you will.”
Jesus agonizing with the Father over the act of sacrificial obedience he is about carry out – finds his friends asleep, not able to carry out a simple request.
Throughout scripture God demonstrates is preference of obedience over sacrifice. But I believe those who are willing to be sacrificially obedient, find themselves in closer relationship God. Abraham is a good example. Abraham and Sarah finally have the desire of their hearts a son. Then God tells Abraham to take his beloved Isaac and sacrifice him as a burnt offering. Abraham did not hesitate – but what agony must he have felt, was his soul overwhelmed with sorrow? God provides a lamb; Isaac is spared and Abraham walks closely with God all the days of his life.
Jesus’ willingness to act in sacrificial obedience to his Father, to be beaten almost to the point of death, to have the rough wood of the cross dig into his back and to die the torturous death that being crucified was, not only returned Jesus to his rightful place. It freed him from his earthly limitations and enabled Him to create and sustain a life transforming change on our planet – but it also sets everyone who believes in Him free, to be who they were created to be, to fulfill the purpose they were made for, to walk in close relationship with the creator of the universe.
Jesus’ disciples would carry out their commission with sacrificial obedience, all but one dying painful deaths. All being persecuted in one way or another, all facing painful storms. Yet they walked in freedom with the One who made them free and gave them the power they needed. The One who promised a forever life with Him in a forever kingdom.
What is God calling you to that requires sacrificial obedience? Do you trust Him to give you what you need to endure the pain of sacrificial obedience? Do you believe that Jesus will be with you in every storm, until you are filled with His light and the fullness of His kingdom?
With sacrificial obedience comes freedom. Embrace His freedom.
A Prayer
Father – We humans want to live a life that has as little pain as possible, we don’t want to sacrifice what we think we should have. We don’t even like to be obedient to anyone but ourselves. Help us Lord to see the freedom that comes with being sacrificially obedient to the things You are calling us to. Yes, it will be painful possibly very painful. But to be a fully restored image bearers in close relationship with the God who made us and loves us is worth it. In the name of Jesus, who showed us what sacrificial obedience looks like – Amen.
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