“When they (Paul and company) came to the border of Mysia, they tried to enter Bithynia, but the Spirit of Jesus would not allow them to. So they passed by Mysia and went down to Troas.”
Acts 16:7-8
It was a very blustery day when I decided to visit a friend just recently home from a brief hospital stay. The street I needed to take is lined on both sides by palm trees. Palm trees are exotic looking and definitely created to stand in strong winds, but the same cannot be said for their spiky fronds. These were all over the street, turning this thoroughfare that doubles for a speedway into a two-way slalom course. The fronds had become an obstacle. This life is filled with all sorts of obstacles - pot holes, speed bumps, closed doors, walls, fear, short-sightedness, and sometimes God gets in our way. These obstacles can throw us completely off course or just cause us to stop as we wonder what to do now.
Some of these obstacles will require that we take a different route like Paul had to do in this week’s passage. Sometimes we have to rely on God to show us how to get over or through the obstacle before us.
Paul faced many obstacles - from his Damascus Road experience as Saul to all he would encounter on his journey to Rome. While the scriptures do not really explain why Paul was turned away from Mysia we can assume that the people and events he encountered as a result were part of the plan. If he hadn’t be turned away he may never have gone to Philippi, Lydia might not have become a follower of Christ. Paul and Silas might not have ended up in prison, but the jailer and his household might not have become followers of Christ either. The obstacles in Paul’s life prepared him to speak to governors, kings and the Roman Emperor.
The obstacles of life can have various effects on our lives. On the negative side, they can cause us to become stagnant, stuck in the mire of life, frustrated and angry. One the positive side, these same obstacles can draw us near to God; empower us to dream bigger dreams, and to help the others we encounter overcome their obstacles. While it might be safe to say that Paul was frustrated that they couldn’t go the way they planned, I suspect that as he looked back over his life filled with obstacles he would not have wanted any of them removed.
Obstacles are part of living an abundant life - embrace them.
A Prayer
Father, you know that we do not care much for obstacles, yet we must face them anyway. Help us see the path around, over or through whatever we are facing. When we are frustrated be our peace, when we are hurt be our healing, when we are afraid be our courage. Then allow us to share what we have learned with others and to thank You for the abundant life you give us. In the name of Jesus who overcame every obstacle for us, Amen.
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