“And as for you, brothers and sisters, never tire of doing what is good.”
2 Thessalonians 3:13
9/11, Oklahoma City, Boston, Columbine, Newtown, wars, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and monster storms - all of these and many more reflect the worst of humanity and nature. When living in a fallen world it can be easy to get tired of doing good, but we are exhorted not to give in and to do good in the face of adversity.
All of the events listed above have two things in common - first is the senseless and tragic loss of life and property and second they result in an outpouring of what is the best of humanity. The stories of compassion and generosity coming out of Boston will give hope and bring healing in time. Events like those listed above bring unity at least for a while among groups that might not otherwise come together. I heard the New York Yankees paid tribute to Boston at a game following the bombing.
Doing good when living in a fallen world can be difficult, because we humans seem to think we need to do big things in a effort to change the world. Instead all we really need to do are little things that can change hearts.
This week keep an eye out for those around you who may be on the brink of hopelessness - give them a smile, a hug, pray for them right then and there, encourage them, buy them a coffee, a hot chocolate or a coke. If you are in the position to do - buy the groceries for the person in line behind you. When someone puts themselves down in your presence let them know they are valued.
God’s Word boils down to loving God and loving others. God knows we love Him when we love and encourage others. When living in a fallen world it can be easy to grow tired of doing good, but Jesus can supply all the energy you need to make a difference one heart at a time.
A Prayer
Father, you know the struggles we face living in this fallen world, you know how we can grow tired of swimming against to current as we try to do good. Be our strength and wisdom so we will not grow tired. Give us eyes to see those around us on the brink of hopelessness and help us to lift them up. Thank you that Jesus by His death and resurrection lifted us up so that we can lift up others. In the name of Jesus, who never grows tired of doing good - Amen.
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