Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Winds of Change

“The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.”
Matthew 7:25

The year was coming to an end on a very windy note and things hadn’t been going to well anywhere, it would seem in the last few months of the year. A plane crash took the lives of 162 souls, police officers across the United States were being targeted - or so it seemed, being killed in the line of duty. Wars were still raging in some parts of the world and despite what the media would have us believe the economy was still struggling and people were still struggling, waiting for things to get better. 

As I sit enjoying a cup of tea and listening to the wind howl outside; the idea of winds of change came to mind and a certain 1964 Disney movie - Mary Poppins. The Banks family was having some issues, when the wind changes here comes Mary Poppins floating into their lives under her umbrella. Quietly and with a bit Disney magic she manages to set the Banks family back on course and with another change in the wind she sails away with her umbrella. I reckon none of us will have Mary Poppins floating into our lives to get us back on track, but winds do bring change - they are powerful forces wielded by the Creator of the universe the Scriptures tell us. Wind can change the contour of the landscape, destroy entire communities, bring much needed rain or dry out water logged land. Winds can drive a ship across the sea safely or send it onto the rocks to its ruin.

This week’s passage comes from Jesus’ parable of the wise and foolish builder. Since this is supposed to be encouraging, I decided to focus on the wise man’s house. While Jesus is talking about the importance of smart construction and having a solid foundation, He is really talking about the kind of foundation we need to build our lives on not just the kind we build our homes on.  

Many of us have been battered by strong winds over the past year and if you have built your life on a foundation of stone that is Christ Jesus, no doubt you have come to the end of the year a bit battered perhaps but still standing. Stand firm, the winds will change, they will bring healing and abundance.

As the year ends continue to stand firm trusting in the One who forms the foundation of your life and controls the wind. That is reason enough to celebrate. 

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for what we can learn from the wind and worldly things like Disney movies. Thank you that Your Son is the foundation of our lives. Help us as we enter a new year to stand firm trusting that Foundation. In the name of Jesus, our foundation and wind changer - Amen.

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Ever Present, Everlasting Kingdom

“You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever; his kingdom will never end.”
Luke 1:31-33

The people were waiting; they were expecting God to send someone to rescue them. They were looking for a warrior, a king to chase out the brutal Romans and restore Israel. God had been silent for so long when would the expected one arrive?

Behind the scenes in the throne room of heaven the plan was about to be put into motion. The messengers had been sent, the first human’s had been made aware of the first part of the plan. The King was coming in a most unexpected way. The way was made ready for Him to take His place and change the world. 

Jesus, is that King and more than once He told someone that the Kingdom was near. You see in God’s divine kingdom wherever the King is the kingdom is at hand - it is present, still to come in its fullness and it is everlasting. 

Scriptures tell us a bit about how this kingdom will be. It will be established and upheld with divine justice and righteousness (Isaiah 9:7). The King will judge the people with His heart according to what He knows in their hearts. There will be peace - animals that were once predators will live side-by-side with animals that were once their prey. There will be no need for us to fear wild animals (Isaiah 11:6-8). For the people; there will be no more pain, no more tears, no more of anything bad - just an abundance of all that is good.

The kingdom is at hand whenever and wherever His people are, we who call ourselves by the King’s name and who live in obedience to His ways carry the kingdom with us. One day though, when the King decides the time is right - His kingdom will be fully visible and what a glorious life there will be for all those who dwell in the Kingdom of the Most High. The capital city will be beyond anything we can imagine and there the presence of the King will light our world, chasing away shadows and darkness. 

It is an ever present, everlasting kingdom - so this week as we celebrate the birth of the King and look forward to His majestic return - let us be thankful, worshipping God with awe and reverence. Let us continue preparing the way for the King and His kingdom. 

May your celebrations be filled with the love, peace, joy and hope that the Christ child, our King brought to our lowly planet so long ago.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you that your kingdom is ever present and everlasting. We long for the return of Your Son whom You have given the Kingdom to. Until His return help us to continue preparing the way for Him to change the lives of those around us. Help us to always be thankful for Your presence in our lives. In the name of Jesus, who is our King - Amen.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

The Greatest King

“A shoot will come up from the stump of Jesse; from his roots a Branch will bear fruit. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him - the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord - and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist.”
Isaiah 11:1-5

What makes a great king? A search of the World Wide Web produced a short list of what characteristics make for a great king. A great king should: stand firmly on his convictions, be just, show mercy when necessary, care for the people he rules over, be teachable and humble, love peace, and be a great warrior when warranted. There have been great kings throughout history. Greatness does not mean perfect, David and Solomon are good examples of great kings who made huge errors in judgment and did some awful things, what separated these and other great kings from the many tyrants found in history, is that when they were called to account for the wrongs they had committed they acknowledged their failings, asked forgiveness and learned from their mistakes and displayed all the other characteristics of greatness.

There was a time long, long ago when there were no kings until someone either claimed the title for himself or a group of people appointed someone to rule over them. Even the Hebrew people chosen and cared for by the Creator of the universe would call for a king and God appointed one. The first Hebrew king turned into a tyrant so God appointed David to be the next Hebrew king. Once kings were in place, all other kings were born into the line of succession. God had promised King David that his family would always sit on the throne of Israel - but some of David’s sons were not great kings and so the throne was lost…but not forever.

This week’s passage speaks to a heir to the throne someone who will be born into the line of succession and who will bear all the characteristics of a great king. The Child born 2000 years ago in the city of David, Bethlehem is that king; in fact He is the Greatest King. Scripture tells us that one day at the name of Jesus every knee will bow - some out of awe and reverence and some because they have no choice. He will judge the hearts of all mankind with righteousness. He is at work already, restoring His subjects to right relationship with Himself and restoring His entire realm. 

This Advent season join with the shepherds and wise men in bowing your knee to honor Jesus the greatest King - the King of all kings. 

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for not only restoring us as subjects of your divine kingdom but that through the work of Your son we are also called sons and daughters. Each day help us share in the awe and reverence shown by the shepherds and wise men so many years ago at the birth of Jesus as we wait with great anticipation for the return of The Greatest King, when every knee will bow. In the name of Jesus, who is our King - Amen.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Preparing the Way

“In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the Desert of Judea and saying ‘repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.’ This is he who was spoken of through the prophet Isaiah: ‘A voice of one calling in the desert, prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for me.’”
Matthew 3:1-3

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, more commonly known as Prince William and Kate were visiting the United States. As I thought about their visit, I could not help but think of all that must to go into planning a royal trip abroad. Their security detail has to make sure they will be safe everywhere they go, someone must make arrangements to visit different places and meet with leaders, celebrities and regular folks. Let’s not forget making sure the people understand the protocol for meeting members of the royal family. While it seems simple, there is little doubt in my mind that much happens behind the scenes so that their visit goes smoothly.

In this week’s passage we look back in time to a covert royal visit. God was sending His Prince to our lowly planet, but He couldn’t just show up on the scene. Instead there was an intricate plan put into motion. First, royal messengers (Angels) were sent to the select people needed to set the plan in motion. Two special babies would be born - the first just a few months older than the other. The first, John was an ordinary man, highly favored by God and born to go ahead of the second to prepare the way, to prepare the hearts of the people. The second, Jesus - God’s Son, the very incarnation of God - born incognito so He could experience life and be welcomed by the ones who needed to meet Him most.

Jesus came looking like an ordinary man, yet being Divine Royalty. He lived, he taught, he spent time with regular people and dignitaries and then he left behind a group of ordinary people to prepare the way for others to meet Jesus, King of Kings and Lord of Lords - our Prince of Peace.

Generations have passed and we who are called by Jesus’ name carry the same purpose into our generation. Preparing the way for others to meet Jesus, to have an audience with the King and then become a member of the Royal family. Together all of us are preparing the way for His return to our lowly planet. Plans are being made behind the scenes even now for His next trip and His arrival will be much different from His first. 

This Advent season what will you do to prepare the way for others? For Jesus’ return?

A Prayer
Father - Thank you that each one of had someone prepare the way for us to come to Your Throne room to meet Jesus. Help us during this season to prepare the way for others to do the same. May we all make ready for His majestic return. In the name of Jesus, our Prince - Amen.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


“But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times.”
Micah 5:2

A long, long time ago when I was young, I worked for a time at our local Baskin-Robbins ice cream shop. In the evenings we listened to the local radio station and if it was slow we would call and ask our favorite D.J. to play our favorite songs. On occasion after closing the store we would make an ice cream run to the radio station and say thanks for playing our requests with an ice cream sundae. Now our favorite D.J. had that big stereotypical D.J. voice, so imagine our surprise the first time we took him ice cream to discover a gentleman of slight stature who sounded nothing at all like the man on the radio - His appearance and “real” voice were unexpected. 

Turn the clock back a couple of thousand years to another unexpected appearance. The Israelites knew they were waiting for Messiah, they knew what the prophets of old had to say about this expected savior. However, not unlike us modern humans I think they only heard the bits they wanted to hear. You know the bits about him being the Prince of Peace, Mighty God, about the peace he would bring; about the justice he would deliver (Isaiah 9:6-7). They set aside the bits that were hard to hear - his disfigured appearance, his marred form, (Isaiah 52:14), or what about how he would be despised and pierced for our transgressions (Isaiah 53:2-6). Jesus fit every word spoken by the prophets but he was not what the people expected.

How could a great king and warrior be born in Bethlehem, or come from Nazareth (John 1:46)? He was the son of a carpenter, he was not wealthy, or powerful or a warrior. He did not speak of overthrowing the Roman government; he spoke of shepherds and sheep, of humility and service. He is the Savior of the world and even though he was looked for - he was unexpected. 

During this advent season as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ first coming and look forward in great anticipation for His second coming lets be careful not to overlook Him in the here and now. Mother Teresa once said: “I see Jesus in every human being.” This holiday season will we see Jesus in the face above the cardboard sign? Will we see Him in the face of the mom who can’t afford a gift for her child? 

I hope that we will see Him in one another and look for Him in unexpected places.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you that your prophets spoke of the One who would come and bring peace for our hearts and help us not to forget that we have His peace because of the great price He paid. We know He is coming back, help us not to miss Him in the here and now because he doesn’t meet our expectations. In the name of Jesus who is expected and unexpected we pray - Amen.