Monday, May 30, 2011

The Price is Paid

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”
1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Today as we celebrate Memorial Day and consider the price that has been paid for the freedom we enjoy may we give thanks to those who have gone before and for those who even now are sacrificing their lives in the name of freedom. Over 2000 years ago God took on the form of man to show us how to live in His kingdom of love, compassion and freedom. Then to ensure our citizenship in the kingdom Jesus paid the price for our sins – freeing us from the debt we owed and would never be able to pay ourselves. The apostles out of hearts thankful for the salvation bought by Christ also sacrificed their lives paying the price to spread the Good News so that all might know and accept the gift offered by Jesus.

The members of our armed forces and their families have throughout history also paid the price for freedom. We must never forget the sacrifices made on our behalf. Scripture says that because we were bought at a price – we are to honor God with our whole lives. In the world we live in today let us also honor the men and women who continue to pay the price of our freedom.

We have all heard that “Freedom isn’t free” The price of freedom is great and it is ultimately paid by a few. May we honor all who have gone before and those who are paying the price even now. The price is paid by soldiers in this world and the price that will allow you to enter the kingdom of God was paid by Jesus. Live lives worthy of the price that has been paid for you.

A prayer
Father – Thank you first and foremost for sending Your Son to pay the debt of our sin. May our live reflect the love, compassion and freedom of Your kingdom. Thank you also for the many men and women who have sacrificed their lives so that we can live now in freedom. Freedom that allows us to worship openly and without fear. May how we live today honor those who have paid that price. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Refuge of Joy

“But let all who take refuge in you be glad; let them sing for joy. Spread your protection over them, that those who love your name may rejoice in you.”
Psalm 5:11

The dictionary has several definitions for the word refuge. First, refuge is a shelter or protection from danger, trouble etc. Next, refuge is a place of shelter, protection or safety. The psalmist is talking about the refuge we can find in God and asks God to spread His protection over us. The psalmist also tells us that those who do seek God’s refuge and protection will find joy there as well – reason to rejoice.

We all know that life is not easy – we face trials and storms all the time. A friend dealing with cancer, the loss of a loved one, unemployment, natural disasters and relationships that are struggling are just some of the things we face in our world. Yet in the midst of all this we can find refuge in the One who created us and in that refuge there is joy to be had. Scripture often describes God’s protection as the wings of a protective bird – a mother hen or a majestic eagle. Beneath His wings we are safe even as the storm rages all around us – even as it rages in us to the very depths of our souls.

The last definition from the dictionary says this about the word refuge – anything to which one has recourse for aid, relief or escape. That sounds like my God – does it sound like yours? Today run to the Refuge of Joy and find the aid, relief or escape that you need for whatever you are facing.

A prayer
Father – Thank you for being our refuge, our shelter, our protection. May we rejoice within your protective embrace as we face the storms of life. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Monday, May 16, 2011


“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8

Comedian and singer Mark Lowry once said his favorite Bible verse was “and it came to pass”. The point he was trying to make was that no matter where you are and what you are facing the situation will change. If you are traveling on a smooth road – it will pass and be replaced by one filled with pot-holes. If you are in the midst of a storm – it will pass and sunny days will replace the clouds. Life is filled with changes, we cannot escape them. Some changes are easier to deal with – graduations, weddings, babies, new jobs – we like positive changes they are times for celebrations. Unfortunately other changes test our faith and cause us to question ourselves and God.

In the midst of daily change we have an unchanging God. The writer of the book of Hebrews tells us Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. Jesus never changes He is our solid footing when the road is rough. He rejoices with us when times are good. He holds us when our faith is wavering under the stresses of life. He challenges us to take a step into the unknown so we can become who He sees in us. His promises never fail. His words have stood the test of time.

No matter what you are facing today – it will pass. Change happens whether we want it to or not. It is good to know that Jesus never changes – He always loves us, will always provide, will always be there and will always have the victory over this life and that is reason enough to find joy in the midst of change.

Hang on to the One who is unchanging – He will see you though whatever comes to pass.

A prayer
Father – Thank you that in our unstable world you are the unchanging stability we can count on. May we seek you on the sunny days and on the stormy days of life. May we find joy just knowing that we are not alone – You are with us. Thank you for all You have been, are and will be in our lives. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

I Wanna A Cookie!

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.”
James 1:12

Children know how to persevere, especially if they really want something – like a cookie for instance. Have you ever experienced that a child on a cookie mission? It goes something like this: “Can I have a cookie please? I wanna cookie please, I wanna a cookie, cookie… cookie… cookie” Eventually we all know the child will get the cookie because we adults just don’t have the stamina to keep saying no, we would rather just have the child be quiet already. We get like that with God sometimes don’t we? Some may say we are being impatient, while others will recognize our perseverance.

In today’s verse James tells us that if we persevere through the hard times we will be rewarded. In the story of the persistent widow found in Luke 18 we see this I wanna a cookie principle at work. The widow is not being treated fairly and keeps going to the judge demanding she receive her due – finally the judge gives in and she get what she desires. Yes it is true that we must wait on God’s timing but as we wait we are to be persistent in our prayers calling out day and night until we get what we need.

Most of the time I would consider myself a persistent person, I keep working at something until I have accomplished it. However, I have to admit that I am not good as asking more than once for something I need, especially from God. I just say I need… and when the answer I want is not forth coming I am quick to assume the answer is really no, instead of assuming the answer is a “not yet” or even a “how badly do you want it…will you keep asking?” Can you relate?

Are you going through something that needs an answer today, maybe needed an answer yesterday? I want to encourage you to be persistent in your conversations with the Lord and in asking for what you need – I know the answer is coming… I just don’t know when so stand firmly in His presence until you get it.

A prayer
Father – You know how impatient we can be and how we at times lack persistence and faith. Forgive us for our lack of faith as we face the trials of life. Grant us the strength to persevere when all we see is darkness before us. When we finally get our answer may we rejoice with everything that is in us for Your goodness and provision. In the name of Jesus Amen.

Monday, May 2, 2011

We Are Not Alone

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”
Psalm 68:19

A lot of people I know are having a hard time. Health issues are isolating some from friends and church. For others finances are being stretched to the breaking point. Still others are seeking jobs and can’t find them or just don’t know where the journey is taking them. All of this and much more that we see happening in our world can weigh heavy on us. These things cause us to struggle with what we believe and question God’s plan for us. I know I am walking the journey with you and I have the same kinds of concerns and questions.

It’s ok if we wonder and question - our God is big enough to handle whatever we lay before Him. In fact the Psalmist tells us God bears our burdens daily. Imagine that – many of us feel like we are about to be crushed by the burden we carry and yet God carries my burdens and he carries the burden of each one reading this. He is big enough and strong enough to carry our burden and us and not even feel the weight of it. All we need to do is to take a step each day.

In the book How People Grow by doctors Henry Cloud and John Townsend a story is related about a man who came to one of the authors for advice. This man felt he had clear direction from God about something he was supposed to do but didn’t know why he was supposed to do it or where the journey would take him. The author’s response was “Welcome to following God. All God tells us is the next step. Take that one, and the one after will appear, but not before.” Not an easy thing for us mortals who want all the answers and who when we slam into the walls of life would prefer to hide under a rock than attempt to climb over. But the key here is we don’t have to get over the wall on our own, God is carrying our pack and will give us a boost. Not only that but He puts people in our lives to help carry the load as well and to give us a boost as well – kind of like a human ladder set up on the firm foundation of God’s love for us.

Whatever you are facing today – you are not alone, we are not alone. Distance may separate some of us and the busyness of life makes it hard to connect. But we are not alone. We share this journey and God will carry the burden if we let Him.

A prayer
Father – May we praise you today because you can and will carry our burdens. Thank you that we are not alone, that there are others who know what we are going through and who are in small ways carrying the burden with us. Help us to not feel alone as we walk this road. May we feel the Your presence and the prayers of those who travel with us. In the name of Jesus Amen.