Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Please Welcome...Amber Lawrence!

think Twitter is magical. I created a twitter account so I could follow the church I am on staff with and to have another avenue for sharing Something Special For You – then all of a sudden Twitter is letting me know that so and so is following you and I’m like “What?!” how does that happen.

A while back I got just such a message from Twitter saying someone named Amber Lawrence was following me. My first response was who is that and how did she stumble across me? So I followed her right back.

Some of you know that for a several years now Australia has become a near obsession – don’t know why but the Lord has a reason for it and some day He’ll let me in on the plan.

Anyway – since I am not feeling well this week I thought would share a blog I read that encourages me - so please Welcome to Something Special For You – Award winning Australian Country Music singer/songwriter and motivational blogger… Amber Lawrence! 

The her blog this month is titled 

How nerves don’t get the better of me anymore 

When I worked in an office, a long time ago, before I had the dream to become a singer and songwriter – I used to sit in the safety and comfort of my job most days. I generally didn’t have to put myself ‘out there’, exposing myself to my fear of failure, embarrassment or discomfort.

Once my life merged more towards my current job – i.e. getting up on stage and playing songs that I’d written, in front of strangers, not really knowing if I’m any good or not. Or writing a blog and posting it on the internet for anyone to read and analyse, I realised I was a bundle of nerves and maybe even insecurity. A bundle of nervous energy trying to impress people, and not evening knowing why. And more importantly, not knowing how to not think that way.

But then, about 2 years ago, I flicked on the radio, and Trevor Hendy was being interviewed. Trevor Hendy is an ex high achieving sportsman, Ironman, Surf Lifesaver and someone I loved watching compete on TV back when I was a Surf Lifesaver. He now operates an online coaching program called ‘Boot Camp for the Soul’. So his chat on radio was being derived from all of these experiences.

The one point I took from the chat was in reference to how to calm yourself down before a performance (Trevor Hendy was talking about sport), but I was able to see how it applies for music, performance and life in general. Now I’m paraphrasing here – but it was a comment along the lines of “when you’re nervous, concentrate on the fact that you are giving something of yourself to the very best of your ability. You are giving it without a need for anything in return. It is a gift”. I don’t know if this sounds a bit weird or not – but it’s certainly worked for me. By standing in front of an audience with an attitude of ‘I’m giving the best of myself, that’s the best I can do’, it somehow helps my nerves disappear! It’s kind of like you melt away the need to be accepted because you’ve accepted yourself first. It’s just a different way of looking at things I guess. Thinking that way – when 100 thoughts are flying through my mind about ‘not being good enough’ – allows me to slow down my breathing, smile, have fun and get on with the job. Thanks Trevor!

I perform a lot of shows in schools, and a common question I get asked is ‘how can I stop feeling nervous’? I generally respond with these 3 points:

1. Breathe – if you can slow down your breathing, and not panic – no matter how many nerves you tell yourself you have – your breathing will save you. If you still have air, you won’t die, or choke on stage!

2. Think along the lines of my Trevor Hendy mantra – ‘you are giving your best’ how could anyone not appreciate that? (of course if you’re not giving your best, and just “phoning it in,’ perhaps you’ll still feel nervous).

3. On the whole, I truly believe audiences don’t want you to suck! They are not waiting for you to fail. They want you to be good, so just go on and be good! Simple hey?

Love this quote about not letting nerves get the best of you, from basketball great Shaquille O’Neal:

"I don’t get nervous in any situation. There’s no such thing as nerves when you’re playing games"

So I guess what he’s saying is do your best and have some fun!

How do you deal with nerves? and when do you get nervous?

Have a great day xx


Amber thanks so much for letting me share your wonderful thoughts about overcoming nerves – so important because we can all let that get in the way of becoming who we are supposed to be.

Amber’s blog can be found at www.followingyourarrow.com

Find her on Facebook at www.facebook.com/amberlawrencemusic

Follow her on Twitter @amberlawrence

Check out her music on YouTube

A Prayer
Father, thank you that technology can bring us together from all over the world. Continue to inspire and bless Amber as she writes songs to touch lives and writes words to encourage and motivate others to be their best selves. In Jesus’ name - Amen

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Just Because You Can't See...

“Then Jesus told him, ‘Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.’”
John 20:29

Six days a week I experience something very unusual. The U.S. headquarters of Garmin – think portable GPS units – are just down the street from the church where I work. It is a large complex with a multi-story building at its center. Ok, not really too much unusual about that description, I know. Every morning when we drive past on the way to the church I see the Garmin building usually against the dawn sky. On the way home, however, I don’t see it unless I make a real effort to look for it. I don’t know if it’s the landscaping around it, the prominence of the Garmin sign on the corner or that my mind is elsewhere, I just don’t see it for whatever reason. The result - every morning I am just a little amazed to see that tall Garmin building standing against the pale morning sky.

In this week’s passage Jesus is having a chat to Thomas – you know of doubting fame. Thomas had been out when Jesus made his first post resurrection visit to the upper room and despite the other’s he had been doing life with telling him Jesus had been there, they had seen him, talked to him – Thomas was having none of it. He wasn’t going to believe until he had seen and touched Jesus himself. That’s where we come in on the scene. While I am sure Jesus was pleased that Thomas finally “got it” I often wonder what went on in Jesus’ mind when dealing with these sorts of situations. Jesus however makes it clear that those who believe even without seeing are a step ahead somehow in the faith department. 

Where are you in all of this? Are you willing to believe when you cannot see? Are you someone who needs proof? If you are a modern day follower of Christ chances are there was a point when you believed without proof, but maybe life on this planet has caused doubt - is that you?

If you have been following Jesus for any length of time and find yourself doubting, questioning why your prayers haven’t been answered the way you want or wondering whether or not you have enough faith. Take look behind you. Can you see where He was with you in the past? If yes then trust that, because He is unchanging, that just because you can’t see doesn’t mean that He isn’t there. If you are new to this thing called faith in Christ or are looking for that one thing you are missing in life - it’s ok to ask Him for what you need to believe.

I don’t need to see the Garmin building on my way home to know that it’s there - because it is. It’s kind of nice every morning to be a little amazed by its presence against the sky. I don’t need to see the nail scars that Jesus bears to know He’s real; I have experienced His work and presence in my life many times. So even when I can’t see Him - I know He’s there.

I want to encourage you to believe that just because you can’t see doesn’t mean He is not there working in your life, drawing you nearer to His heart. Trust, have just a tiny bit of faith and be amazed every day.

A Prayer
Father, thank you for allowing us our doubts and for sometimes giving us the proof we need to believe. Help us to grow in our knowledge of You so that when we can’t see You working or feel You near, we will still believe Jesus is who He says He is and be ready for the blessings that come with that. Help us when needed to be the proof of You when someone else is doubting. In the name of Jesus - who is there even when we can’t see, we pray - Amen

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Let Us Pray

“One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples.’ He said to them, ‘When you pray, say: …
Luke 11:1-2a

I did not think I would be writing about prayer, but, then something interesting happened and it became clear that prayer should indeed be the topic this week. I have been doing ministry online with a friend who lives in Texas. We are both at a place where this particular season of ministry is coming to an end as we both make room for doing what the Lord would have us do. We were communicating via email when my friend asked if I might answer a few questions to help her prepare a Bible study. My responses to those questions have become the stuff of devotions – apparently.

The first question I was asked was: “What is prayer to you?” This was followed up with: “How do you maintain a rich prayer life?” After some thought I responded by saying that to me, prayer is an ongoing conversation with Jesus; sometimes with me talking and more importantly, sometimes with me listening. The second part of the question took a bit more thought but ultimately I was honest with my friend and told her. It's hard to say how I maintain a rich prayer life, since I often feel like I am in "constant contact". But here are a few things I do. First, when someone asks me personally for prayer - I pray with them right then and there whether it’s in person, on the phone, via email or text or Facebook - you get the picture. Next, I like being quiet and still so when I really need to focus on something I need divine guidance on I seek solitude - this might mean spending some time in the sanctuary of my church, or going for a walk or a bike ride. Third, being outside often makes me feel more in touch with his creation and is good for those times when I need to listen. Sometimes I pray the Scriptures, putting my name or the name of someone else into the text - the Psalms and the Lord's Prayer are particularly good for this. Saying the Lord's Prayer is a regular part of my prayer life, I often say it multiple times a day. 

There are things about prayer that I have learned over the years: nothing is too small, it's ok to pray for myself, and prayer doesn't have to be eloquent, but is must be authentic.

My friend then asked: “What aspects of the Lord's Prayer speak into your prayer life?” I replied that the short answer was - all of it does. Jesus, has provided us with a perfect model of prayer. More specifically I think it depends on where I'm at and what I am dealing with.

The Lord’s Prayer in full - really begins and ends in the worship of the One who hears our prayers and has the power to answer them. Which, in my opinion makes worship, just as much an act of prayer as praying itself?

His will be done - this is key. When we strive to live in and pray for His will - we place things firmly into His hands. This is the most dangerous part of the prayer - because we may say we want His will, but it often comes at a great price.

His provision - Our daily bread (Luke 11:3)...He stands ready to give us what we need for the day. Manna in the wilderness, all of his creation is provided for each day.

His forgiveness - is the healing and freedom for our souls and lives. The power of His forgiveness drives our ability to forgive others.

His protection - we won't know until we get to the other side everything that he saved us from, but as we look back we hopefully see that his protections was and is with us everyday helping us to walk the path He lays before us.

Amen - "So be it" by closing the prayer with Amen we are affirming that the we believe and trust that He will do what we have asked and that we are prepared to accept His will.

Great thought provoking questions - right? You’ve read my thoughts as I answered them, so this week I want to encourage you to ask yourself these questions. What is prayer to you? How do you maintain a rich prayer life? What aspects of the Lord’s Prayer speak into your prayer life? 

So be it - let us pray.

A Prayer
Father - thank you, for giving us a way to communicate with you. Help us to not take that for granted, or to think that we need to do all the talking. Remind us that you already know exactly who we are and what is in our hearts - so we can just be real with You when we talk. Thank you that Your Son teaches us a perfect prayer that reveals much about your character. Grant us the courage to ask for Your will to be done and to stand ready to accept it. In the name of Jesus, we pray - Amen, so be it.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Excuse me...You are in My Way

“Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
Luke 10:41-42

Pastor Derek had shared story from his childhood about how getting a gift he really wanted had caused him to set aside another gift because of the way it looked. That “other” gifted turned out to be a way better gift. His story reminded me of another story I had heard – a story about a little girls and a pearl necklace.

You see this little girl wanted a dime store pearl necklace – she was willing to do chores for it, and a birthday gift allowed her to buy it. It was her most prized possession. This little girl had a daddy who really loved her and each night would tuck her in at bedtime. One night he asked her “do you love me?” The little girl answered yes of course and her daddy asked for the pearl necklace. She wouldn’t give up her prized pearl necklace. He asked several times to have the necklace and each time the little girl refused. One night though, he found her sitting on the bed with tears in her eyes. She handed over the necklace and as her daddy took the little necklace he replaced it with another made with REAL pearls.

Sometimes like the young Derek or the little girl we get in the way of what the Lord is wanting to do for us or give to us. This week’s passage is another example of how we can get in the way. Martha and Mary both knew who Jesus was and they were excited to have him in their home. Mary had already decided that nothing was going to get in the way of spending time with Him. Martha however had decided dinner was more important – she was in the way of the blessing that was waiting for her. We know from the passage, that Mary’s decision to get out of the way was the better one, but I always wonder after reading this if Martha managed get out of the way and join Mary at the feet of Jesus.

So what are you holding onto that is making you get in your own way when it comes to what Jesus wants to do in your life? Has He tapped you on the shoulder and said, “Excuse me… You are in My way.”? Has he asked “do you love me…give me (you fill in the blank)?” Maybe it is a tangible thing some prized possession that is keeping you in the way. Maybe it is an unwillingness to change direction or a wrong idea about how God works in our lives. May be it is fear or busyness or a God doesn’t really care attitude that is keeping you in the way of what He longs to be and do in your life.

This week I want to encourage you to look at your life and think about what you are hanging on to that is in the way of something better. Then the next time He taps you on the should and says “excuse me…” let whatever it is go and step out of the way so He can give you something better.

A Prayer
Father, thank you for wanting the best for us. Help us to know when we are getting in the way of what you have for us and then grant us the courage to step out of the way. In the name of Jesus, we pray - Amen

Thursday, June 4, 2015

From Villain to Hero

“But now I urge to keep up your courage, because not one of you will be lost; only the ship will be destroyed. Last night an angel of the God whose I am and whom I serve stood beside me and said, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul. You must stand trial before Caesar; and God has graciously given you the lives of all who sail with you.’ So keep up your courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”
Acts 27:22-25

Over the course of the past few years on the popular television program Once Upon A Time, the character Regina Mills, aka the Evil Queen has slowly transformed from a villain to a hero – because love has changed her heart. It hasn’t been an easy journey for her, she has often slipped along the way and been tempted by circumstances to go back to her evil ways but she thus far is staying the course.

One of criminals crucified alongside Jesus, while not going from villain to hero certainly went from bad guy to saint when Jesus told him “today you will be with me in paradise.” Saul aka Paul made a transition from villain to hero after his close encounter with the risen Christ. Now unlike the Evil Queen who was quite aware of her wretched state, Saul actually thought he was a hero for attempting to destroy the followers of the Way. Indeed his fellow religious leaders would have agreed that he was. But his heart was changed when he met the One he was really persecuting. His new found faith and trust in the Living God made him a true Hero.

In this week’s passage we see his faith in action. Everyone else on that ship bound for Rome had lost hope; they were prepared to surrender their lives to the sea. When Paul steps up, gives them a supernatural pep-talk and restores their courage. Later we learn they all survived and spent a comfortable time on Malta, where many lives were changed because of Paul’s presence and his faith.

We all have short comings; we all need the life changing work of Jesus in our lives. For the people I know personally who read this none of us have been bad enough to be called villains but that doesn’t change our need for the heart healing only Jesus brings. But I don’t know everyone who may read this and it could come before someone who has made the transition from villain to hero and can relate to the life changing power Paul experienced. Maybe, someone will see it that is in utter despair, recognizing their own wretchedness and believing nothing and no one will be able to pull them out of the mire. For those I want you to know there is someone who has the power to change a dark heart to a heart filled with light and life; to change a villain into a hero or at the very least a saint. His name is Jesus and He gave His everything so that anyone and everyone who will believe and trust in Him will be made new and find their never ending happy ending.

If Jesus has already made you a saint, take it a step further and let Him make you a hero by being Jesus to the world around you. If you are reading this and you know you are a villain and have no hope, look for Jesus – He is probably already standing right there beside you just waiting to pull you out of the mire and turn you into a hero.

A Prayer
Father, thank you for loving us so much that we can go from being wretched villains to faith filled heroes because of your Son. Help us each day to be the heroes you desire us to be by loving the unlovable, caring for the hurting and reflecting the light of Christ to the world around us. Be especially near those who need to have a close encounter with You pulling them out of the muck and mire of a darkened heart. In the name of Jesus who indeed our Hero, we pray - Amen