Monday, February 22, 2016

Open Up... Let Him In!

“He I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him and he with me.”
Revelation 3:20

Ok… so you are being chased by zombies or something else equally scary when you see a house with lights on up ahead. You run to the door and pound on it yelling “Open Up… Let me in!” nothing happens, so you pound and yell some more to no avail. As your breathing slows you can hear the music blaring inside, you hear laughter and it is so loud those inside can’t hear you. The door isn’t going to open; you hear the approach of the scary thing that has been chasing you…gulp.

This week’s passage isn’t about a zombie apocalypse, or a scene from the Walking Dead or some horror flick. The reality of this passage is that the danger lurking is unseen, unfelt and it has eternal consequences. This passage is found in the book of Revelation and is part of the letter written to the lukewarm church in Laodicea. The people were wealthy, they wanted for nothing, they needed nothing. They knew of God, but they didn’t have real fellowship with Him and they didn’t really need Him anyway. Some might say this particular church talked the talk but did not walk the walk. Because they thought the world was providing everything they needed – they did not see the danger – God was about to spit them out or He was about to walk away because the party going on inside was too loud for them to hear Him knocking on the door asking to come in.

Being on fire for the Lord is really where he wants us. We have recognized our need for Him in our lives, opened it up and let him in. He tells the folks in Laodicea it would be better for them to be spiritually cold – because then they might actually hear him knocking and realize He has what is needed to light their soul on fire. If they stay lukewarm, however, when something scary starts chasing them – when they get to His house and pound on the door, yelling to be let in – the eternal party will be so loud, no one will hear them and…gulp.

Lent is a time to get quiet, to look at ourselves and see if we are hot, cold or lukewarm. If you are hot – get your praise on and share the warmth with those around you. If you are cold or lukewarm – listen for the knock and then open up and let Him in – so He can get the party started in your soul.

A Prayer
Father – thank you for giving us time to reflect on the state of our souls. We praise you for hearts the burn hot for you. Help us to hear your knock if we are lukewarm or cold, so we can let you in – so your love will kindle of fire of our souls and grant us spiritual wealth that will last for all eternity. In the name of Jesus, we pray – Amen.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Jump In... The Water's Fine

“But the centurion wanted to spare Paul’s life and kept them from carrying out their plan. He ordered those who could swim to jump overboard first and get to land. The rest were to get there on planks or on pieces of the ship. In this way everyone reached land safely.”
Matthew 17:5

As a competitive swimmer who has done both regular and open water swimming, I can tell you I do not care much for open water swimming - give me a nice pool any day. The differences between pool swimming and open water swimming are like the differences between living a worldly life and following Jesus.

A good competition swimming pool is designed to let the competitors focus on their performance. It is a controlled environment - the water temperature is just right, everything about the pool is meant to help a swimmer think about one thing - swimming their race. If the pool is outside a swimmer might have deal with the effects of the wind, but even that isn’t such a bother. In a pool a freestyle sprinter with excellent lung capacity can make it from one end of the pool to the other without taking a breath or looking to see where they are. They simply follow the black line painted on the bottom of the pool - right to the wall. Even backstrokers know that when they see the flags overhead they have a certain number of strokes until the turn or the end of the race. The water is clear and a swimmer can see the wall at the other end with or without goggles on. Pool swimming is all about the swimmers own performance and their ability control it.

Open water swimming is different, oh it is ultimately still about the swimmers performance - but it’s not the same. Usually the water is cold, there are currents - that are made worse by wind, the water is not clear, so you can’t really see underwater even with goggles. Swimmers in this environment have to be very aware of their surroundings, where they are in relation to other swimmers, the shore and any markers set to help them keep their bearings. Open water swimmers have to watch where they are going, which means they have to look up once in a while to make sure they are going in the right direction so they can arrive safely back on shore. Open water swimming is about overcoming nature which is actually in control.

Open water is like following Jesus. In this week’s passage the soldiers on the ship plan to kill the prisoners before the ship goes down so that they won’t get into trouble for letting them escape. Paul already knew that he would live, because God had told he had to go to Rome to speak to the king. Paul’s guard - the centurion must have known something was different about Paul and his God - enough so that he believed Paul’s life must be spared and to trust that despite the circumstances all would be well. So they jumped, those who could - swam to shore; while those who couldn’t, made it there safely on wreckage of the ship. All of them were at the mercy of the sea and God. 

Being at the mercy of the sea not such a good place to be. Being at the mercy of God who loves us more than anything - is a pretty good place to be. Maybe I’ll re-think open water swimming, maybe it’s spiritual disciple?

So - jump in… the water is fine.

A Prayer
Father – as fallen humans on a fallen planet we like control. We like controlled environments and we like to be in control of everything - having our own selfish way. Help us to get out of our controlled environments and to let go of the control we think we have. Show us that if we keep our eyes on you that no matter what we face we’ll get to the destination you have for us, we’ll get done the work you have for us. Swimming in a pool requires no faith. Swimming in the sea of life is all about trust and faith - trust and faith, in the Maker of everything. Help us to jump in and enjoy the water of life Your love gives us. In the name of Jesus our swim coach and Lighthouse, we pray – Amen.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Listen To Him

“While he was still speaking, a bright cloud enveloped them, and a voice from the cloud said, ‘This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!’”
Matthew 17:5

What a scene this must have been. Peter, James and John had gone with Jesus for a mountain top experience and what an experience they had. First Jesus starts to glow – not a creepy toxic green glow but a super bright pure light – then if that isn’t enough Moses and Elijah show up. That wouldn’t have been such a big deal, if say they had just happened to have climbed up the other side of the mountain and it was a chance meeting. But Moses had been dead for generations and well Elijah just went straight to heaven without the whole dying bit first and let’s not forget that Moses and Elijah would never have met in the first place. Overwhelmed by what they were witnessing Peter speaks right up - oh it’s good we are here! Jesus do you want us to set up camp, I’ll make shelters for each of you guys? While Peter is talking a cloud settles over the mountain and it talks to them! Wow and they end up on their faces.

Then Jesus spoke to them – He told them to “get up and to not be afraid” (Matthew 17:7). I don’t know about you but I would want to listen well to everything Jesus said after that. What kinds of things does Jesus say? What should we be listening for? I broke out a red letter Bible to have a conversation with Him and He pointed out some things we would be wise to listen to. Here’s a short list:

“Follow me.” (John 1:43)

“Don’t turn my Father’s house into a super Wal-Mart” (John 2:16)

“To see the kingdom of God you must be born again – spiritually.” (John 3:3)

“I know everything about you – so you might as well be honest with Me.” (John 4:17-18)

“If you are without sin – go ahead and throw that stone.” (John 8:7)

“I command you to love each other as I have loved you” (John 15:12)

“In this world you will have trouble (with a capital T) but don’t worry because I have overcome the world: (John 16:33)

“Love God and love others” (Mark 12:30-31)

“Forgive and you will be forgiven” (Luke 6:37)

“I AM the way and the truth and the life. No one come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6)

“I AM the resurrection and the life – believe that and you will live forever. Do you believe?” (John 11:25-26)

Stuff worth listening to for sure. Words spoken out of divine love and concern for mankind; words spoken to help us live life well and righteously. Words spoken by the One who was given so that we could be reconciled with the One who made us.

During this season of Lent, quiet your heart and listen to Him.

A Prayer
Father – thank you for the words of life spoken to us by your Son. Give us ears to hear, minds to understand and hearts willing to act. Help us to say yes when He asks us if we believe. Give us the courage, wisdom and strength to do all that His words demand of us. In the name of Jesus, who speaks divine love and life into us, we pray – Amen.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Break The Chains

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery”
Galatians 5:1

Do any of you remember the LancĂ´me fragrance commercial that featured American actress Julia Roberts? The scene a formal party of some sort, all the men in black tie, all the women in black dresses – save one. Enter Julia Roberts wearing white and standing out from the crowd because of it. It just looks like a gathering of the rich, famous and beautiful. Julia see’s the reality of the situation in the reflection of a mirror. Delicate diamond chains control everyone holding them to the dictates and conventions of that lifestyle. Everyone else seems quite content to play whatever role they are meant to play. All except Julia who breaks the chains holding her, while the lyric “Wish I could be totally free” plays in the background. She climbs the stairs to apparent freedom. It is interesting to me every time I see that commercial that no one follows her – they just watch her go.

What kinds of chains are holding us? There are many chains that can hold us - chains of sin, tradition, legalistic church rules, economic class dictates or our own personal standards of performance. You know what chains are holding you – what chains are keeping you from being perfectly free. In the commercial Julia’s diamond chains break easily – with no effort really. In real life finding freedom from the things that hold us captive can be considerably harder.

Jesus however has the power to set us free, if we let him. Paul in this week’s passage is talking to the Galatia Christians about the freedom they had found in Christ and the freedom some of them were on the brink of losing because they were listening to other voices tell them their faith was not sufficient – that Christ was not sufficient for their freedom from the chains that had bound them.

If you are a follower of Jesus, heed Paul’s words and stand firm don’t let anyone put chains on you, hold on to Jesus and hold on to the freedom that He gives. If you haven’t let Him take all of the chains off let him break them right now so you can be perfectly free. If you are not following after Jesus and don’t believe he can free you from whatever is holding you hostage or making you a slave – call out and ask for His help, let Him break those chains no matter what they are so that you too can enjoy freedom.

Chains made of diamonds or gold are still chains, time to break them and be free.

A Prayer
Father – You sent Jesus to break our chains. Chains that keep us held like slaves to many different things. Chains that keep us from You. For the chains in our lives that He has already broken, thank you. For the chains we still wear grant us whatever we need to surrender those chains to the power of Your Son. Once we are free, help us to stand firm and not be taken back into bondage. In the name of Jesus, the chain breaker we pray – Amen.