Monday, March 21, 2011

Is It Time To Update Your GPS System?

“Go, gather together all the Jews who are in Susa, and fast for me. Do not eat or drink for three days, night or day. I and my attendants will fast as you do. When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish.”
Esther 4:16

Detours, detours and still more detours. Life it would seem in full of detours and that can upset the performance of your navigation system. I don’t really care much for detours although it appears my life will once again be taking an unexpected turn. To be honest I am feeling a bit lost – what about you? Are the detours in your life leaving your head spinning? If you have a GPS in your car or smart phone when you need to update all it takes is a push of a button and you are good to go - but how do you update the GPS of your life. God’s Word provides us with the key.

Esther’s life was certainly on a detour – from Jewish peasant to Queen of Persia and now she is faced with having to ask the king to do something to save her people. How did she get her course of action right? She called for prayer and fasting. She told her cousin Mordecai to call the people to fast and pray for her and that she and her staff would do the same.  Daniel - in another time and place also used prayer and fasting to maintain his GPS system. In fact throughout the Bible people who wanted to get back on track or stay on track used prayer and fasting because it gave them a better connection with the One who can see the entire journey.

Leading up to Easter a number of churches around the country are answering this call to fast and pray. I personally will be joining in on this call. I need my GPS updated and reset – I need clarity for the detours of life. I will be following the Daniel fast – fruits, vegetables and water. If you would like to gain clarity for you journey I encourage you to consider taking some time to pray and fast. It doesn’t have to be the same fast I’m doing but remember the purpose of whatever kind of fast you choose should be to grow closer to God.

If you are interested in the Daniel Fast you can find out more at this website

A prayer
Father – Thank you for being our guide for this journey called life. We are sorry for the times we get off track. Give us the strength we need to seek Your face in a new way through Your update program of prayer and fasting. In the name of Jesus Amen.


  1. A great 1st entry! Beautiful background! Thank you for the uplifting thoughts to end my day.

  2. So glad you liked it! Thanks for the encouragement :o)

  3. Thank you for sharing with us Leann, let us go together in this journey !

    Ana Cris.

  4. It is not good to journey alone! So glad we are on the journey together!

  5. Awesome Leanne :) God Bless ><>
