Thursday, August 13, 2015

Excuses, Excuses

“But Moses said to God, ‘Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?’”
Exodus 3:11

A long time ago at a concert the singer told a story about a time when God told him to give away his most favorite guitar. He had one of those negotiation talks with God – but ended up giving that guitar away. More than a decade ago I had one of those moments with God. Lying in bed one night praying, because I couldn’t sleep, when I heard a voice say “get up and pray” – I responded twice that I could pray just fine lying there in bed – I ended up on my knees in the living room. The results of these two experiences later, but for now let’s look at one of these conversions that took place much longer ago.

This week’s passage is the beginning of Moses’ excuses conversation with God. A little background in case you are not familiar with the story of Moses. Born at a time when the Egyptian Pharaoh had called for all male Hebrew babies to be killed. Moses was kept safe and eventually would end up in the palace being raised by Pharaoh’s daughter. As a grown man he would kill an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave and have to flee his privileged life. Moses ends up working as a shepherd for his father-in-law. That’s where we pick up the story. Moses has a close encounter with God where God essentially tells him “I have a job for you – a job that your whole life has been preparing you for” and Moses starts making excuses.

This week’s passage is the first excuse “who am I?” I’m a nobody, a shepherd, a murderer, etc. As the conversion continues it is filled with God answering each of Moses’ “yes, but” comments. “But what if they don’t believe me? (Exodus 4:1). “But, I don’t speak well, I am slow of speech and tongue” (Exodus 4:10). “Please send someone else” (Exodus 4:13). The end result - Moses’ goes to do what God has asked and God provides everything He would needs from co-leaders to provision in the wilderness.

I am sure God sometimes wishes that when He asks something of us we would just do it without argument or excuses, but I also think the conversation is important because by the end of it we want to do it and we have a better understanding of God and His desire to be with us in the journey.

What happened with the singer who gave away his favorite guitar – he received so many guitars as gifts he was able to find new favorite, plus give more away. What about my late night on my knees in the living room experience? I had the most incredible spiritual, up close and personal encounter with Jesus. If I had stayed in bed I would have missed it.

What is God asking you to do? What excuses are you making? Are you afraid? Not enough time? Not smart enough? A nobody? Too old? Too young. Let me encourage you this week have the conversation and if you have to make excuses do, but then choose to do whatever you are being asked to do – not only will you bless God and someone else, you be blessed in ways you can’t even imagine.

A Prayer
Father, thank you; for not just asking once. Thank you for letting us have that conversation with you about why we think we are not the right person for the job. Thank for providing everything we need for the things you have for us to do. Thank you that our obedience brings you glory and brings us blessing. In the name of Jesus we pray for wisdom and open hearts to hear your call – Amen.

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