Tuesday, September 15, 2015

From the Shore

“Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize it was Jesus. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, ‘It is the Lord!’ As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, ‘It is the Lord,’ he wrapped his outer garment around him…and jumped into the water.”
John 21:4 & 7

I look forward to my weekend walks around the lake at our neighborhood park. In the early morning quiet, I can think, pray and get some exercise. As I walk along the shore I enjoy God’s creation and some of his amazing creatures – ducks, geese and a lone heron. I think of Jesus walking along the shore of a lake on the other side of the world so long ago, and all that he did and taught along those shores.

Three years before the scene described in this week’s passage, Jesus was walking along the shore, perhaps even along this same stretch of the shore when he saw Simon Peter and his brother Andrew – Jesus called them to follow Him and to become fishers of men. A bit further up the shore Jesus calls two more brothers to follow him. All four of these young men left their livelihoods behind to follow a stranger to who knew where and to fish for men (what did that even mean?), but they followed – how amazing is that?

Over the next three years, these four men along with another eight would witness some incredible things and be taught things that were difficult to understand but that would change their lives forever. The time was so short, I suppose they thought they had much more to learn from this man Jesus who they knew with all their hearts to be the Son of God – but He was dead – He had told them what would happen, He had told Peter he would deny Him, something Peter fiercely denied he would never do, but did just like Jesus had said.

When in this week’s passage we once again see Jesus on the shore, calling this time to his friends it was the third time the Risen Lord had appeared to spend some time with His friends, with the men he was leaving behind to continue the work He had for them. Peter so wanted to be with Jesus he jumped out of the boat and waded ashore. Scripture doesn’t say what Peter did when he reached Jesus on the shore – did he give in a hug or fall on his knees, did he ask for forgiveness? What we do know is that they all ate breakfast together and then Jesus and Peter had a short fierce talk that restores the relationship between Peter and Jesus and sets Peter firmly back on the path Jesus means for him to follow.

Where are you today, this week? Are you drifting on the sea of life? Have you heard Him call to you from the shore? Maybe you are doing your best to follow Him but need to hear His voice encouraging you on the way. Maybe you’ve allowed life to interfere and have turn from him – listen He’s calling you from the shore of your life - rush back to the shore and into His embrace – you won’t regret it.

A Prayer
Father, thank you that Jesus stands at the shore life’s sea and calls us to come to him on solid ground. You know that sometimes the winds of life make it hard to hear Him calling to us across the distance – give us ears and hearts that hear Him in the gale. Help us daily to follow after Him and to call to others from the shore so that they too can be changed by Your love. In the name of Jesus we pray – Amen.

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