Saturday, January 9, 2016

On Your Mark, Get Set... Go Slow

“One night the Lord spoke to Paul in a vision: ‘Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you, and no one is going to attack and harm you, because I have many people in this city.’ So Paul stayed for a year and a half, teaching them the word of God.”
Acts 18:9-11

The year was off like a rocket and not really showing any signs of slowing down. With an early Easter on tap in the church world it seems like the year is almost half over before it’s even really began. As I was praying about what this devotion was to be about the old story of The Tortoise and the Hare came to mind. Tortoise wins the race because he kept a slow and steady pace. Believe or not but you can find biblical references to go with that story – Google is a wonderful thing…sometimes. I read all the verses I found that might relate to that story but none really struck a cord with me. Instead something else grabbed a hold – it was the idea that Paul liked to stay for a while in the places he visited.

There are plenty of passages that mention Paul staying for a time at the many places he visited as he carried the good news of Jesus to the world. I just picked one for this week that stood out when I read it.

I like that Paul wasn’t really in a hurry to get things done. I believe Paul felt a sense of urgency in carrying out the work the Lord had given him to do and I believe that sense may have been why he stayed and took his time with the people he had been sent to speak to. He wanted them to understand – to really understand and then live permanently transformed lives. Lives that would in turn take the time to bring others fully into relationship with Jesus.    

When we charge headlong into our days, trying to get as much done as possible we run the risk of missing something along the way – something important. Maybe we’ll miss a divine appointment not because we were late, but because we were going so fast that we went right past it. In this week’s passage Paul decides to stay for awhile in Corinth because of a vision – pretty hard to have a vision if you are moving at the freeway speeds..  

This year will be filled with ups and downs; there will be trials and victories – mountain tops and deep valleys. There will be opportunities in all of it to strengthen your faith, drawing nearer to God and there will be opportunities to share the amazing news of Jesus with others who are where you are or have been – if you are going slow enough to see Him and them. It’s ok to slow down, to stay a while where you are – He’s there with you and there is no need to be afraid. 

So are you ready? On your marks, Get set… Go Slow.

A Prayer
Father - thank you for giving us the stories of those who have gone before us. They inspire us, teach us about you and about what a life in You looks like. Each life different, but connected by Your love for us. Help us to slow down, to be content to stay where we are for as long as you want us to be there. Be everything we will need this year. In the name of Jesus – Amen.

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