Friday, July 8, 2016

The Wise Thing

“Be very careful, then, how you live – not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord’s will is.”
Ephesians 5:15-17

I was reviewing video based Bible Study curriculum for my small group when I came across a series from Andy Stanley called Ask It. In it Pastor Stanley shares the one question that should inform all aspects of our lives. My group won’t be getting to this study until next year but in light of some truly horrendous things that have happened in our nation not only in recent days but in the past month or more. In light of the current – in my opinion terrible political climate we find ourselves in, a climate in which the servants of the people have forgotten they are servants of the people. In light of hate filled words some so called “christians” have spewed into the media. In light of a major decision that will be made at the church where I serve – I decided that I would touch on the topic of the wise thing now rather than later.

Whether you are a follower of Jesus or not - I think the question that Andy Stanley says we should ask ourselves is relevant to all of us, but he makes it so clear - it should be a driving factor for followers of Jesus especially. You see followers of Jesus are at the same time ordinary folks and members of a royal family. Followers of Jesus are ordinary people and members of a holy priesthood (see 1 Peter 2:5, 9). Followers of Jesus have responsibilities and are expected to live against the current and shake up the way things are done – there is no “the way we’ve always done it in the Lord’s operating manual – there is only the Lord’s way and that can and should look different in all circumstances and cultures so that those who are not followers of Jesus can see and feel the difference when they interact with members of this Divine Royal family, with these members of a Holy Priesthood.

Andy Stanley says the one question we all need to be asking ourselves is “What is the wise thing to do?” In this week’s passage – from which the question stems the Apostle Paul is exhorting the churches he planted and us to live carefully and act wisely understanding God’s will and doing that instead of what the world says. But how can we know what God’s will is, how will we know we are making decisions that are wise? Luckily for us the basics are actually pretty simple and they have all been written down for us in the Lord’s operating manual – the Bible. Jesus himself tells us the greatest commandment, the very first things we need to do to live carefully and with wisdom – He tells us to “Love God and love others” (see Matthew 22:35-39). The prophet Micah also provides insight into the matter when he tells us that the Lord desires for us to “Act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God” (see Micah 6:8) and again Jesus provides easy to understand instructions for living carefully and wisely in accordance with His will when he tells us “So in everything, do to others what you would have then do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets” (Matthew 7:12).

So there you have it – the basics for knowing the wise thing, love God, love others, act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God and treat others the way you want to be treated.

A Prayer
Father – thank you that Your Word, our operating manual provides easy to understand instructions for knowing Your will and how we should live it out in our world. Forgive us for making is more complicated than it needs to be and trying to make it fit our personal preferences, prejudices and our idea of justice. Help us daily to heed the words of your servant Paul to live carefully and wisely making the most of the opportunities You place before us – so that others might see You working in the world and find hope, peace, forgiveness and strength for the journey. In the name of Jesus, our example of what the wise thing is, we pray – Amen.

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