Monday, October 17, 2016

In The Trenches

“Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.”
1 Corinthians 15:58

In war the soldiers “in the trenches” had it the hardest – cold, wet, muddy and often fierce fighting were the marks of the trench. In times of peace it has come to relate to hard work, often the dirtiest and hardest jobs in any given business. These are the jobs usually held by the people on lowest rung of the organizational ladder. Sometimes just getting through the day can feel like being in the trenches.

In his first letter to church in Corinth Paul provides a lot of instruction for the believers on a number of issues. Leading up to this week’s passage Paul had been talking to them about resurrection – Jesus’, ours and what resurrections bodies might look like. As I was reading Paul’s words, I got the feeling that he was a little frustrated with this group of people. These folks had heard and accepted the Gospel Paul had brought them but something or someone must have been interfering causing doubt, confusion – earlier he had told them not “be misled” and before that he asks if none of what he had told them before was true why was he and his companions endangering themselves daily? Why were they still in the trenches? When Paul had finished with what he had to say he exhorts all those who have heard or read his words to stand firm, to stay fully in the trenches fighting the good fight and working hard for the Lord no matter what obstacles were placed before them; reminding them that their work would never be in vain as long as they were being obedient to the Lord.

As followers of Christ Paul’s words of instruction and encouragement reach across the millennia to remind us that our work will not be in vain either. What’s getting in the way for you? What’s making you feel like throwing in the towel and climbing out of the trench? Hand whatever it is over to the One whose life has set the example for how we should live and work. He’ll give you the courage and strength to stay in the trenches.

A special word of encouragement to anyone reading this that has been called to leadership in Christ’s church – the trenches are especially messy for us, the work can be back and soul breaking at times. Stand firm, you are not alone – I’m there, lots of other leaders are there but most importantly Jesus is right there with us, fighting the good fight along with us.

Being “in the trenches” is hard but we labor not in vain.

A Prayer
Father – It is hard working in the trenches of life. Thank you for being in them with us. Be our strength and our courage. Fill us with the power of Your Spirit. In those moments when we feel overwhelmed, fill us with your hope and peace. Help us to shine the light so brightly that even when those outside the trench see the messiness of it – they will join us when we invite them into the trench. In the name of Jesus, who is in the trenches with us we pray – Amen.

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