Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thankful No Matter What

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.”
2 Corinthians 3:17

Freedom according to the dictionary is “the state of being free or at liberty rather than in confinement or under physical restraint”. But is that all it means - are there other kinds of freedom? Is it possible to be free even if you are confined or perhaps enslaved? What about political freedom?

In this season of thanksgiving, not only do we celebrate God’s blessings at harvest time, we in America and other countries around the world take a day out this time of year to remember and thank those who have served our countries, protecting our freedom and aiding in the liberation of others. Unfortunately, we live in world where some are not as fortunate as I am, as most of those reading this are. We can practice whatever religion we wish in whatever way we choose without fear. We can say what we want to say, again without much to fear. For most of us as long as we aren’t doing something that harms someone else we are at liberty to live as we see fit. For others in our world, owning a Bible, speaking against the government, breaking some law - that to us would seem unreasonable, can land them in jail or sometime worse. Yet some of these people, bond by chains and living in a cell - are thankful, more thankful than those of us who live free every day. How is this possible?

This week’s passage comes from Paul’s second letter to the church at Corinth. It is a simple statement - that if savored and allowed to sink into our hearts will explain why prisoners and slaves, yes eventually even Paul - can still be thankful in whatever circumstances they find themselves in.

I don’t know about you, but I so often take for granted how easy my life is sometimes, due to the sacrifices of others. One little thing doesn’t go my way and the attitude to gratitude goes out the window, as I decide to behave like a spoiled brat. I am free - I can write this and send it out into the ethos with no fear of being imprisoned for it. I have good food to eat and I can come and go as I choose and sometimes I am not thankful for any of it - shameful but true. There are people on this planet having bread and water for every meal and are thankful for it. I seem to remember reading once that some the Jews being held in the Nazi death camps were thankful if their porridge had weevils because it meant a bit of protein. There are people in prison because of their faith and they are thankful that God is with them in that cell and for each breath they take. Because they know without a doubt that the Spirit of the Lord is there with them they can be thankful not matter what.

I want to be more mindful of the presence of the Spirit of the Lord in my every day - so that I to will be thankful no matter what. How about you?

A Prayer
Father – forgive for the times when we ignore the presence of Your Spirit and let our circumstance dictate our thankfulness. We are far to blessed to be ungrateful. Help us Lord to recognize that there are people around us who need to see Your Spirit working in our lives, working so powerfully that we are thankful no matter what. So thankful that others are drawn to You because of it. Thank you for the freedom Your Spirit brings us each day no matter where we are or what we are facing. In the name of Jesus we pray – Amen.

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