Monday, May 1, 2017

The Big Reveal

“As they approached the village to which they were going, Jesus acted as if he were going farther. But they urged him strongly ‘Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.’ So he went in to stay with them. When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight.” 
Luke 24:28-31

My family and I used to really enjoy watching the show Extreme Makeover – Home Edition. Perhaps you have seen it? Basically a deserving family is chosen, the show hosts get to know them a bit and then sends them off on a week’s vacation. Then they get down to work – they tear down the old house, build a new one and furnish it will everything the family needs. The best part of the show? When they bring the family home from vacation and have the big reveal. The looks of amazement as they see the exterior and the building excitement as they are given the tour of their new home and any special features of the home are explained and the attitudes of gratefulness for such an amazing gift. Imagine if the big reveal was something even better than a new home, a new car. Imagine if the big reveal meant a new heart, a restored soul and an eternity with the gift giver.    

We enter this week just as a big reveal takes place. But maybe we should back up a bit, let's back up not seven days but seven miles. It is Sunday, the first day of the week – the women had already discovered the empty tomb. Peter and another of the disciples ran to see that it was empty for themselves and a couple of the others set out on the seven mile walk to Emmaus. As they walked they talked about all that had happened over the past few days and the incredible news of the empty tomb. The women had been told by an angel that Jesus had risen has He said He would, but that was a pretty difficult thing to believe. These two - still grieving, perhaps still fearful and now confused by what may have happened to the body of the one they believed was the Messiah. 

As they walked and talked; a stranger joined them along the way, we don’t know how far along the road they had traveled when their conversation is interrupted by a guy wanting to know what they were talking about. In today’s world the response may have been that “It’s none of your business” or perhaps the stranger we be completely ignored. But the two disciples, although surprised by the question, share that they were discussing the events of the past few days – the death and burial of their friend Jesus and now the reports of the empty tomb and that He might actually be alive. Now if you had just finished pouring out your heart to someone, would you be inclined to listen to them if the first thing out of their mouth was to call you a fool and slow of heart when it comes to believing what you had been taught? Yet these two do and as they continue to walk, this stranger tells them all about Moses, all the prophets and everything that had been written about the Christ.   

Finally, we’ve reached this week’s passage – they’ve gone the distance, listening to the stranger most of the way and they want to continue the conversation so they invite him to stay and eat with them. Now on the television show to signal the start of the big reveal they would shout “Move that bus.” In this week’s passage the big reveal is signaled by the stranger - giving thanks and breaking the bread. The eyes of these disciples’ hearts were opened as Jesus prayed and handed them the bread. They saw Him there – living, breathing, breaking bread with them and then He was gone. What did they do? Despite the fact that it was near dark, if not already dark - they took off to travel the seven miles back to their friends and fellow disciples to confirm what the women had said – “HE IS RISEN! We have seen him, we have talked to him, we have eaten with him.

As the writer of the letter to the Hebrews closes the letter, he encourages his audience not to forget to entertain strangers, for sometimes they are angels. I would suggest the we not forget to do the same because it could be Jesus. He also reminded them that that Jesus promised to be with us always – Why? Because He is not dead, He is alive and well and his Spirit lives in the heart, soul and mind of all who believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Savior of the world. Now that is a really big reveal and the truly everlasting Good News.

A Prayer
Father – Thank you for revealing yourself to us in so many ways. Thanks for the times when it is a big, awe inspiring reveal. Thanks for the times when it is a small, quiet and reassuring reveal. May our lives reveal who You are to those around us, in big and small ways. Remind us that you are always close to us, help us to care for strangers because we may actually be caring for you when we do. In the name of Jesus, the best Big Reveal ever – Amen.

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