Friday, December 1, 2017

Thankful For The Rock

“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation.
Psalm 18:2

The refrain from an old hymn had been running through my mind since Thanksgiving. Perhaps you will recognize it: On Christ the solid rock I stand. All other ground is sinking sand. There is nothing in particular happening in my life which is perhaps the reason for my brain reminding me that I need to make sure I am standing on the solid Rock always. It could also be that the tune is running about in my brain because several people that I know are dealing with some pretty stressful stuff in their lives and maybe this encouragement will turn up at just the right time.

David’s life was full up ups and downs. The ups were amazing like defeating Goliath when no one else had the courage to even try or being anointed as the second king of Israel. What about being considered a man after God’s own heart – that a pretty amazing thing. Unfortunately, the downs David faced were as brutal as the ups were amazing. Imagine someone throwing spears at you or having to act like a crazy person in order to escape an enemy. What about having to be on the run and hiding out in caves? The passage above comes from one David’s psalms and is really a song of praise and gratitude. God – his Rock had delivered David from one of the really downer time and the first thing out of David’s mouth are I love you Lord, followed by you are my Rock.

The ups we see in our own lives are different but just as amazing as the ones in David had. While we may not have someone throwing literal spears at us – sometimes is certainly feel like life is chucking spears at us fast than we can duck. Isn’t it great to know that Jesus is our Rock, our Fortress, our Redeemer and that no matter what we are facing we can find refuge in Him. He is that place where we can hide if that’s what we need to do. He is that place where we can find rest for sure. He is that place where our wounded souls can be tended to and made whole again. He gives us an unshakable foundation upon which to stand.

I know some of you are ducking because some serious life spears are being thrown at you. Some of you maybe sinking into the muck and mire that life can sometimes be. Some of you hopefully are singing praises from the mountain top you are standing on at the moment.

Isn’t it great that in Christ Jesus we all have a Rock who is a fortress when we need one and foundation that we can always stand on.

I am thankful for the Rock. How about you?

A Prayer
Father – Thank you for being our Rock, our Fortress, our Redeemer and our Rock solid foundation. May we be thankful always for Jesus who is our cornerstone and capstone holding our lives together no matter what life is throwing at us. Show us how we can invite others to join us on the Rock. In the name of Jesus, our Rock – Amen.

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