Monday, June 6, 2011

Success in the Storm

“The warden paid no attention to anything under Joseph’s care, because the LORD was with Joseph and gave him success in whatever he did.”
Genesis 39:23

Joseph had been sold into slavery by his brothers and then found himself falsely accused and in prison – yet scripture makes it clear that he was still successful. What was the key to Joseph’s success? “Because the LORD was with him and gave him success.” Slavery and prison - that is a pretty big storm if you ask me and still it is possible to be successful. Joseph isn’t the only one in the Bible who found success in the midst of the storm because the LORD was with them. Noah survived the great flood, Daniel spent the night in the lion’s den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego walked in the fire, the Israelites prospered even in captivity and Jesus was able to go to the cross and conquer death – all because the LORD was with them.

We all face some kind of storm – either the hazards of the weather or the struggles and trial of life. Whatever storm you are facing you too can find success if the LORD is with you. Now sleep well because of life’s storms? Invite the Lord into your bedtime ritual. Struggling financially? Invite Him into your budget. Been hurt by someone you love? Make sure the LORD is your wingman.

Take time this week to invite the LORD into every area of your life – if you are sinking in life’s storms look to Jesus. HE is walking on the water straight for you. When the LORD is with you – you will find success in the storm. Scripture proves it.

A prayer
Father – Thank you that what the world and circumstances means for harm You can turn to good. Be with us today and everyday so that like the heroes of our faith we to can find success in our storms. Thank you for being with us and for loving us. In the name of Jesus Amen.


  1. This is Leann's husband Dan - This message is powerful! Replace Joseph's name with your own where it says, "The Lord was with Joseph". The Lord is with Dan. Satan likes to make us feel as though we're all alone and no one else knows what we're going through. Don't listen to that Master of Lies! Make God Priority 1 in your life. Joseph did. Jesus did, and look how well life turned out for them. Look how well life turned out for US! I love my wife. In Him, Dan.

  2. Aww thanks Bud... I love you too!
