Monday, July 18, 2011

Do A Joy Dance!

“You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. LORD my God, I will praise you forever.
Psalm 30:11-12

Little things and not so little things can bring us joy in the midst of our trials. Great weather, the announcement of a wedding or a baby, taking a step to serve others, a trip to the shore or the mountains - these things are ways God clothes us in joy – they are reason to dance. That long awaited job, a visit from an old friend, peace in the valleys of life – these are also ways that God clothes us in joy – they are reason to dance.

David was coming out of a time of trial when this psalm was written – there would be other trials in his life, and in the midst of them as long as he stayed focused on God he would find peace and joy – he would find reason to dance. What are you facing today? A new trial, the continuation of an old one or perhaps you have reached a mountain top and are rejoicing in the amazing view as you look back over the valley you just came through. No matter where you find yourself today keep your eyes, your mind and your heart focused on Jesus and He will give you joy.

So today crank up the radio – read the Psalms of long ago and listen to the Psalms of today. Seek the joy of the Lord and dance! Dance with all your strength, with every fiber of your being. It will make your day; lessen your stress and make God smile.

A prayer
Father – Thank you for the things You use to clothes us with joy. Thank you that we can dance even in the midst of life’s trials. May we invite others to join us in the dance, especially if they don’t feel like dancing. In the name of Jesus, Amen.