Monday, April 23, 2012

Following The Leader

Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
Hebrews 13:7-8

Remember playing follow the leader when you were a kid? The object was to do whatever the person who was at the front of the line did. As Disciples of Christ, Jesus is at the front of the line and he calls us to keep his commands and follow his lead. When asked what the greatest command was, Jesus’ reply was two-fold, love God and love others - together these form the greatest command. But what does that really mean for us, how does that look, what does it require that we do?

When we look at Jesus’ life what do we learn about how we should live and relate to God and one another? We see that Jesus spent time alone so he could have quality time with his Father. We see that he spent time enjoying his friends, good meals and the fellowship of others. We see that he met more than just the spiritual needs of the people - he met their physical and emotional needs as well. Jesus gave of himself continually - maybe even when he didn’t feel like it.

As followers of Christ we should look to Jesus first to see what He did and what He is doing even now in our lives. Then because we are human we should look at others who have been following Jesus to see what they have learned from Him. The writer of Hebrews is telling his readers to do just that - to remember their leaders, watch their lives do what they did and are doing.

Are you ready for a life changing, never ending round of follow the leader? Get behind Jesus He is the best leader.

A prayer
Father – Thank you most of all for your Son who teaches how to love you and love others. Thank you for the leaders you placed throughout history to who continue to teach us to follow Jesus. Help us to be people who show others the way and encourage them to join us as we follow The Leader. In the name of Jesus our Lord and leader - yesterday today and forever, Amen.

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