Monday, June 11, 2012

Clearing Away the Weeds

“Other seed fell among thorns, which grew up with it and choked the plants. …The seed that fell among thorns stands for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.”
Luke 8:7 & 14

Gardens take work. They have to be watered, they have to be weeded and pests have to be kept away. Weeds can cause problems - their thorns cause pain and they can overrun the flowers and vegetables in a garden. In our backyard foxtails are a particular problem especially for our dogs so we have to make the effort to get rid of them.

Our hearts are gardens too - In Jesus’ parable of the sower he talks about the different planting and growing conditions of the heart. Weeds can grow in our hearts if we are not paying attention. The thorns of life can cause pain. The clutter of worldly stuff can crowd out the hope of the Good News. Weeds can block our view of the garden path and the fruit growing there. Weeds can leave us filled with doubt, worry, and even fear.

What weeds are endangering the garden of your heart today? When was the last time you tended to the garden of your life in Christ? How is your relationship with the Master Gardener? Jesus is waiting to work in the garden with you - He will show you the weeds that need to be pulled if you let Him. He will help you plant - faith, hope, love and a lot of other beneficial things so that you can enjoy the fruitfulness of a life in Him.

This week spend some time with the Master Gardener, getting your life’s garden ready for the bountiful harvest He has planned for you.

A Prayer
Father - Help us to tend to the garden of our hearts. Show us the weeds that need to be pulled out by the roots. Show us the new seed You desire to plant in our lives - seed that will benefit us and bring a bountiful harvest of faith, hope and love. Thank you for being our Master Gardener. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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