Monday, June 4, 2012

A Listening Heart

“My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.”
John 10:27-28

The Greek word that is translated listen in today’s passage means: hear, pay attention, understand, and obey. How do you listen? Most of us would probably say that we listen with our ears - this of course is true - at least to a point. Kardia is the Greek word most often translated as heart in the New Testament. The heart was considered the seat of the inner self comprised of life, soul, mind and spirit. The heart was the place where thinking and true understanding took place.

God has a listening heart - He hears our cries for mercy and forgiveness, strength and guidance and He responds to us with His amazing love. Picking us up when we fall, carrying us when we are to weary to go on and holding us when we are overwhelmed by life.

We need to have listening hearts, so that we will hear His voice, pay attention to and understand what He is saying to us and then respond because we love Him - we will follow Him. Sometimes we let the noise of the world overload our hearts and then all we hear is static. God doesn’t yell over the noise He whispers into it. So how do we quiet our hearts so we can listen?

I can think of several things we can do to quiet our hearts. How about fasting from artificial noise - turn off the T.V. or radio and listen to the sounds of nature. Read God’s Word. Sing simple songs of praise that come from your heart - they will break through the static. Ask for forgiveness. No doubt you can think of other ways to have a listening heart.

Today and all this week, tune your heart to hear God’s voice and follow Him where He leads because He is leading you to paradise.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for having a listening heart, for hearing and responding to our prayers. Help us to have listening hearts, show us how to quiet our hearts so we can hear your voice, know you better and follow after you all the days of our lives and for all eternity. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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