Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Laughter the Best Medicine

“…a time to weep and a time to laugh…”
Ecclesiastes 3:4

Returning home from a weekend on the California coast with eight friends - both old and new - I could not help but think back on our time spent together. A few of those present, when sharing about some of their struggles past and present, shed a few tears. When you are in the company of people who make you feel safe and loved that is a good time to feel those feelings of pain.

Mostly, however, we laughed - we laughed so hard we cried or got sore abdominal muscles. It felt so good to be surrounded by that joyful sound. When was the last time you had a good laugh, the kind of laugh that knocks you out of your chair or allows that rare snort to escape only to cause more laughter? When was the last time you spent a couple of hours laughing like that? When was the last time you were in the presence of people who made you feel safe enough or loved enough to cry and to laugh in the same day?

The bible tells us the Jesus wept but I have to believe he also had some good laughs along the way. Perhaps he laughed at some of the off the wall things Peter said or as he watched children playing. Maybe some of those tax collectors and sinners he so often had dinner with could tell a good joke.

I came across a list of some of the health benefits of laughing - just in case you need to be convinced of the importance of a good laugh:

Lowers blood pressure
Increases blow flow and oxygenation of your blood
Provides a workout for your, diaphragm and abdominal, respiratory, facial, leg and back muscles.
Reduces stress hormones
Increases response of gamma-interferon and T-cells (boosts immune system)
Defends against respiratory infection (can even reduce the frequency of colds)
Improves your mental alertness, creativity and memory.

So if you haven’t had a good laugh for a while I would like to encourage you this week to gather some of your friends - invite them over for dinner, go on a picnic or a camp out, spend the day in the mountains or on the beach and laugh. Laugh until you cry or your side hurts or you snort. You’ll feel so much better if you do.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for the times when we are surrounded by people who make us feel safe enough and loved enough that we can cry if we need too. Thank you for the times when we can laugh uncontrollably in the company of people we love. Both help us to heal from the stress of this life. Thank you that Your Son - our Lord cried and laughed too. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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