Monday, August 13, 2012

The ONE Constant

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”
Hebrews 13:8

I like things that provide some constancy in my life. Things like football season always starting while baseball season is still going or that the sun always rises in the East and sets in the West. I love that there is a first day of school and that meal times happen at regular intervals. Knowing there are things we can count on helps us to have a kind of security as we go through this life. These “constants” help us to know that even when times are tough, even when things are changing, some things don’t change. It’s comforting.

There are plenty of “constants” in our lives - but none, save one is a forever constant. Football players can strike and the season can be cancelled. The Scriptures tells us that one day the sun as we know it will no longer be. There may be no first day of school or regular meals. When these things and events that we consider constant, aren’t anymore what will we do?

For those of us who are followers of Christ, no matter what happens to the things and the events of life - there is still ONE constant and that one constant is a person - Jesus Christ. He has existed since an eternity before we started keeping time and He will continue to exist long after there is time to keep. Jesus has loved us since forever and will love us into forever.

In chapter 24 of Matthew’s Gospel Jesus is talking to the disciples about the end of the age. One of the things He says to them is “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.

Jesus is the ONE real constant in our lives - so enjoy baseball and football. Celebrate the first day of school and enjoy your meals. Embrace the glory of each sunrise and sunset and know that when heaven and earth pass away Jesus will be there to comfort you and guide you through an eternity of His amazing constancy.

A Prayer
Father - Thank you for being unchanging. Thank you for being the one constant that we can rely on now and for eternity. As we enjoy the amazing things and events you have given us on this planet and for this time may we understand that what we really need is You. Thank you for loving us before time began so that we can know your love beyond time. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

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