Monday, June 30, 2014

A Grazing Mace

“And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. To him be the power forever and ever. Amen.”
1 Peter 5:10-11

If you have been reading Something Special For You for any length of time - by now you know inspiration comes from interesting places. My mother and I were in Kansas visiting my daughter and son-in-law. On the way back to their house after breakfast, my mom brought up the topic of her final arrangements, a topic my daughter was vigorously opposed to discussing. At one point as my mom was trying to name a particular song, what came out instead is the inspiration for this week’s devotion - A Grazing Mace.  

A mace is a weapon, used primarily in the middle ages. A club like weapon often with a spiked head. Warriors would bash each other with it in close combat; a well landed blow could mean the end for the adversary. However, a grazing blow would also result in a dangerous wound. Earlier in chapter 5 Peter warns his readers that the Devil is like lion on the hunt. I would guess that a grazing blow from the clawed paw of a lion or bear would also leave a nasty wound. Life on this planet often leaves us wounded by the grazing blows caused by relationships, finances, and health problems - the effects of living on a fallen planet - surrounded by fallen humans.

Peter promises us that because of God’ grace, our wounds will be healed. That God himself will restore us and make us strong and steadfast. This is the power of His amazing grace. No matter the seriousness of the grazing wounds we receive as we go about living our lives, He will bring healing if we let him.

I don’t know what you may be facing this week, but if you receive a grazing blow from one of the maces this world tries to bash us with - seek His amazing grace, that’s where you will find the healing you need to stay in the battle.

A Prayer
Father - snares, spears, arrows and maces are all around us, a direct hit could mean the end of us, a grazing blow can leave us wounded and vulnerable to more attacks - thank you for your amazing grace, that brings healing, restores our strength and fills us with your power. Help us to share that grace with those around us who are also wounded. In the name Jesus, whose grace is more than sufficient, we pray - Amen.

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