Monday, June 9, 2014

Too Hot to Handle

“He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul.”
Psalm 23:2-3

Temperatures are rising in California; triple digits will soon be the norm here in the central valley. But even if the temperatures aren’t soaring, life can sometimes be too hot to handle. Financial struggles, unemployment, health issues, relationship problems and a whole host of life situations can cause the temperature of life to soar. We can combat triple digit weather with air-conditioning, swimming pools and holidays to cooler climes but what can we do when life gets to hot to handle? 

King David faced plenty of situations that made life to hot to handle and when he did, he trusted his Lord to bring the temperature down at least for a little while so his strength would be restored. I love the images David uses in Psalm 23 of the green pastures and quiet water. Just the thought of those two things together bring a cooling effect to my soul and mind. The prophets of the Old Testament were also familiar with a life that gets to hot to handle. They also had to trust God’s promises to refresh and restore even in the midst of life’s heat waves. God promised Jeremiah that “He would refresh the weary and satisfy the faint” (Jeremiah 31:25) and the prophet Isaiah tells us that “those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength and soar like eagles…” (Isaiah 40:31). If God’s promises and provisions were good enough for David and the prophets they are good enough for us. Life is often going to get to hot to handle, but there is relief waiting.

This week, when the situations in your life get to hot to handle let Jesus lead you to the green pasture and quiet waters of His peace. There you will find what you need to refresh your soul, cool your mind and renew your strength. I’ll be there cooling off - see you there.

A Prayer
Father - thank you the green pastures and quiet waters that cool us when life gets to hot to handle. Thank you for the peace you promise will refresh our souls and restore our strength. When life makes us sweat may we soak our feet in the cooling stream of your love and may we invite others to join us there. In the name of Jesus we pray - Amen.

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