Thursday, May 26, 2016

Lessons From Winnie the Pooh - Part 2

“No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
Joshua 1:5

In my part of the world it is Spring and on the other side of the world it is Autumn. On my side of the world schools are letting out for summer holiday, while on the other side of the world schools are ramping up or finally settled into the new routine. The quote that inspires this week’s devotion come as summer is ending in the Hundred Acre Wood and Christopher Robin is trying to tell Pooh that he will be going away to school. They have this talk at the beginning of a film called Pooh’s Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin. Interestingly enough while the story is loosely based on a couple of A. A. Milnes stories; it was actually a fully original work. The film opens with Christopher Robin trying to explain and he tells Pooh: “…But the most important thing is even if we’re apart, I’ll always be with you.”

Sound familiar? When I read that quote my mind immediately went to both the Old Testament and the New – I love how there is a crimson thread that holds the Scriptures together. This week’s passage comes from the Old Testament book of Joshua. The people of Israel were still in the wilderness – on the wrong side of the river to be real about it. Moses has died and the not so young Joshua has assumed his place as leader. God is talking with Joshua about what is going to happen next – He is giving Joshua a divine pep talk. He tells Joshua what the boundaries of their new country will be and assures Joshua that during all the days of life and leadership – that he would gain victory over those he needed to gain victory over but the most importantly the He would always be with Joshua – that He would never leave or forsake him.

Fast forward and we are looking at the Resurrection of Jesus the Christ and He is giving His disciples their final instructions, what the church world knows as the Great Commission. Jesus closes with “…And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20b). Jesus needed them to understand that even though He was going away, He would still be them. Just like He’s with us every day until the end of our days or the end of the age – whichever comes first.

Christopher Robin had to go to school, because well that’s what little boys and girls do, but it meant that he would get to spend as much time with his beloved friends as he might want to and he knew they would be sad and feeling a bit lost by his absence. We go through stuff like the friends move away or we do the moving, loved ones die and we’re left feeling alone and a bit lost. Sometimes the struggles and storms of life leave us feeling like God has moved away and then we really feel lost and alone. In the story Pooh’s finally arrives at the realization that Christopher Robin is always in his heart, so always nearby – it took a big scary adventure to help him understand what Christopher Robin was trying to say to him – but he was better and stronger for understanding.

No matter where you are this week, what grand adventure you might be on or are preparing to start – Jesus promises to be with you – carry Him in your heart everywhere that the adventure takes you.

A Prayer
Father – Thank you for telling us in more than one way that You are with us, that You have no intention of leaving us. Thank you for the grand adventure that this life is – even with all of its ups and downs. Each day help us to walk knowing that we carry you in our hearts and that because you are there we can invite others to join in our adventure as we let your light shine. In the name of Jesus, who is our forever friend and so much more, we pray – Amen.

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