Monday, September 25, 2017

Drama, Drama, Drama

“As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, ‘Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!’ ‘Martha, Martha,’ the Lord answered, ‘you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.’”
Luke 10:38-42

I really don’t like drama. Wait, no that really isn’t a true statement. I do like drama in a good book, on television, at the movies or on the stage. What I really don’t care for is, the drama that at times seems to be a constant in all of our lives, either because of our own choices, the acts of others or just because life is just that way – full of drama, drama, drama. That kind of drama brings on anxiety and stress; it can distract us from the things that are really real in our lives – especially as followers of Jesus. As I was lamenting to the Lord over a number of dramas currently playing out in my life and the lives of people around me, I couldn’t help but think of Martha and Mary.

Jesus and the guys had stopped in as they were passing through town. Martha set about creating a wonderful meal for the guests. Mary, sat at Jesus’ feet hanging on every word He spoke. Giving Him her full attention – Mary’s choice was an act of worship, she wasn’t about to let anything distract her from what the Lord was saying to her and the others sitting there. Martha

Now understand, Martha hadn’t made a bad decision in wanting to show hospitality to her guests, done will the spirit of generosity the preparation of the meal was also an act of worship. Her hospitality turned into a drama when she allowed it to distract her for an even better choice to be part of the what was really real in her home. Jesus was there, He was Lord, Messiah, the Creator of the universe become like one of His creatures – He was there in her home, speaking life changing truth into those who were listening. Her hospitality was getting in the way of the opportunity she had to just sit and chat with the Lord.

I have no doubt that Martha prepared a wonderful meal that day, but I also think that Jesus would have been just has happy to enjoy a simple meal of bread, cheese and wine, especially if it had resulted in no drama and both sisters sitting, listening, talking and learning about what it means to look like Jesus.

So what drama is distracting you from totally surrendered worship, from sitting at the feet of Jesus – learning to look and live like him. Maybe it’s just everyday life, maybe you are so caught up in serving, that you have forgotten who you are serving for. Maybe there are things in your life that in and of themselves aren’t bad thing, but because you have allowed them to take priority, that now that are turning into idols and keeping you from the One who is really, real.

Whatever is causing the dramatic distractions in your life – take a step back, surrender that worry and stress and just sit. Sit and listen to the voice of the One who know you more and loves you better than anyone else. Listen for the life changing truth He wants to speak into your heart. Breathe in the peace that He gives and find rest from all the drama, drama, drama.

A Prayer
Father – sometimes our lives get so filled with drama, that we are distracted from that One thing that is needed. The need to sit, be still and know that You are God. Listen to the life changing, image transforming truth that He has for each of us. Help to know when things have become more than just things, when serving had become an obligation rather than an act of worship for the One who taught how to serve. Forgive us Lord, replace the drama with your peace. In the name of Jesus, who is the One that is needed – Amen.

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